Up and coming: If you are one of the tens of millions that have been staring a Fortnite black hole for the last 24 hours, Epic finally has something else for you to look at — or at least a leaker does.

Skin-Tracker posted a trailer of Fortnite Chapter 2: Season 1 Battle Pass on Twitter this morning at about noon PST. It was quickly hit with a copyright strike and taken down.

While the trailer still has not shown up on Fortnite’s official YouTube channel, word on social media from Skin-Tracker and others says that an Epic employee cleared repostings of the video since “the damage had already been done."

The Battle Pass trailer features a whole new island with a river, power plant, beach, and more. However, it does not reveal any of the lore about how players ended up on the new map after Sunday’s cataclysm.

The video does show a few fresh features coming to the game. There will be a new vehicle — a pogo stick. Players will also be able to give each other piggyback rides. A fishing pond shows briefly in the trailer, so fishing is coming to the game. Players can also swim or even pilot a boat in bodies of water. It revealed a bunch of new skins too.

There are also over 100 awards up for grabs and new ways for players to level up. Fortniters can get medals for scoring headshots, chopping down trees, and other in-game antics.

Unfortunately, the trailer does not disclose a release date for the next season. However, considering that there is already a trailer ready for it, it shouldn’t be too long.

It’s a good thing too. While players have been pretty patient with the Fortnite blackout so far, it’s only a matter of time before they start getting antsy for some action, especially now that they know it is coming.


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