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Windows 10 1909 Install Error


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I decided to clean install Win 10 1909 X64 on my HP Stream Laptop. The laptop is one of those that has SSD of only 32GB built in I believe. When I start the process to delete the partitions and begin to try and create the new ones I get the following error code that even google has never heard of,zero hits. 0xef320510. So now I basically have a brick for a laptop. Now I think I read somewhere this was going to be a problem in the future builds as 32GB is not big enough now for the newer builds. I still have an .iso of 1903 and will try that next but just wanted to throw it out there if anyone has had this problem yet. Thanks.

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That's unfortunate, I'm amazed that there's no documentation for that error code. Unfortunately I won't be able to help although as you said already please try Win10 ISOs from 1803 onwards. If you want any help finding links I can help in that case.


Also just in case if you find any solution for your problem or even a hint as to what and why is that error code please be the first one to explain that on the internet and the possible solution. It might help others like you in the future.


Good luck!

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57 minutes ago, uffbros said:

I decided to clean install Win 10 1909 X64 on my HP Stream Laptop. The laptop is one of those that has SSD of only 32GB built in I believe. When I start the process to delete the partitions and begin to try and create the new ones I get the following error code that even google has never heard of,zero hits. 0xef320510. So now I basically have a brick for a laptop. Now I think I read somewhere this was going to be a problem in the future builds as 32GB is not big enough now for the newer builds. I still have an .iso of 1903 and will try that next but just wanted to throw it out there if anyone has had this problem yet. Thanks.

MS support - Fix Error 0xEF: Critical_process_died

Applies to: Windows 10

This error means that there was a hardware malfunction or a device driver issue. The following are some things to try:

  • If you've installed any new apps or devices, uninstall or unplug them and then restart your PC.

  • Make sure your PC has the latest updates. Select the Start button, then in the search box next to Start, type Windows update and choose Check for updates from the list of results. In the Settings menu, select the Check for updates button. When it's finished, restart your PC by selecting the Start

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There is nothing on the hard drive..I deleted the partitions......I get the error when booting from USB media and it comes up after I create the partitions and try to format that I get that code

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From the sounds of it, 32GB is far too low to install 1909 (or any other updates)


It could be that the HP recovery partition still installed as it's likely hidden and is not usually something that can be removed unless it's completely wiped or is a brand new drive (i'm not sure how eMMC drives work)


How do I reset my HP Stream laptop?
Reset your computer using the System Recovery option
  1. Shut down the tablet.
  2. First, press the Volume Down button and then press and hold the Power button for about 4 seconds. ...
  3. From the Startup menu, tap F11 to select System Recovery. ...
  4. On the Choose an option screen, tap Troubleshoot.



HP says you need at least 10GB storage space free (possibly for general Win10 updates) on a laptop, but MS says you need around 20GB.


How to avoid problems installing Windows 10 version 1909




"When dealing with errors and other problems that you can’t fix, you can use the Pureinfotech forums to get answers. Alternatively, you can contact Microsoft support directly, or on Twitter @MicrosoftHelps. Also, if you’re near a Microsoft Store, you can take your device to the store to see if anyone can help."


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I've already deleted all the partitions so there would be no recovering thru system recovery. I do this stuff all the time and never a problem unless it's the hard drive itself. Win 10 creates 4 partitions when you do a clean install. This is only creating 3 for some reason. Its probably due to only 32Gb drive. I'll try the 1903 as I believe that is what it had on it before I did the wipe.

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Ok..Finally after no luck with Win 10 installs I went with Windows 8.1 which is what came with the HP Stream. The Bios has the key embedded and I should have been activated..But I'm not. I have tried everything google threw at me. The install media would be 8.1 Retail as it was downloaded from the program by Heidoc.net Windows ISO downloader by  Jan Krohn. The legal key in bios would be OEM..correct? I installed using the generic install key then as suggested I ran some command prompt to remove that generic key and then tried to install my key from the bios and it doesn't work. The install was Core and the Bios is core key..should work. I am attaching a screenshot using PID Key program that shows key as valid. How can I get this 8.1 activated?


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I found a beauty that worked for me. I was surprised. Here is the link for anyone interested. Does anyone know of a 8.1 rollup program that will take me up to the latest without using Windows Update. WU has been scanning for a half hour and hasn't returned the updates. I remember 7 doing that crap for months. Thanks.


Site: https://www.youtube.com
Sharecode: /watch?v=wUxM7h1ua00


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its now been 7 hours scanning for updates...what in the world is going on with Win 7 and 8 being known for this? You mean they haven't fixed this yet????

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Note: If your BIOS mode is UEFI, and your boot-able media is for Legacy mode then the error will occur when creating a new partition.

DO NOT use hybrid setting in which both setting is enable. The BIOS will only use UEFI mode even if hybrid mode enabled.


Solving problem:

For your problem, I have also come a crossed one in the pass. It is BIOS setting. For mostly newer mother boards, the BIOS is come up with two different boot sequence modes. It is Legacy, and UEFI mode. To prevent the Error that occured in creating a new partitions problem, you need to check whether your BIOS setting is set up to which mode.


For BIOS with Legacy mode:

If your BIOS boot mode is set to Legacy, then use Rufus to create a boot-able media for Legacy only. This is a screenshot for Rufus 3.8.x, I captured.






For BIOS with UEFI mode:






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On 10/7/2019 at 7:20 PM, uffbros said:

its now been 7 hours scanning for updates...what in the world is going on with Win 7 and 8 being known for this? You mean they haven't fixed this yet????


Why don't you try to upgrade immediately now that you have Windows 8.1 activated?

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@Blazelanze...I'm familiar with the 2 different schemes you can do...Its not that. There is not enough space on a 32GB drive now with Win 10. It is UEFI Bios by the way on this machine. I used a program called WSUS to get the updates installed. Its ok now. Thanks.

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On 10/7/2019 at 11:20 AM, uffbros said:

its now been 7 hours scanning for updates...what in the world is going on with Win 7 and 8 being known for this? You mean they haven't fixed this yet????


fwwwaaaa haa haa haa haa - yaaa yaaaa haaa haaa,  yayahaha 🤣🤣🤣 😁😀


I know for sure that WU forever scan problem was fixed by manually installing KB3172614 rollup update for 8.1 from the MS Catalog site [see there are times where users need to download & install certain updates from the Catalog site]; and the similar WU problem on Win7 was fixed with KB3172605 for W7.  if you're not sure how to speed up WU searches for 8.1, go to this site and download the patches listed there.

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