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These are my editorial notes. 

I've read about various degrees of spying from different posters on here and it is very interesting and concerning as well.  Concerning for everyone and their privacy and way of life I guess.  Reading about the Cisco Webex & Zoom Bug.  To Botnets, Ransonwares, to various spywares.  It is troubling times that we live in.  A while back, I saw an article from Steven36 about the NSA use of programs such as Prism.  I think there is a program that no one is talking about that is way more powerful than those that were released.  They haven't made MSM news because they don't want it to be known.  Ok, there are some good ones left like Fox and Friends, Sean H, Tuck,Ingram,The great one,Judge P,etc.  I have checked to see if their names were on this list.  And they were cleared.  But I'm going to share with everyone on here about the program called "The Hammer."  The Authors did a good job of researching and analyzing all the info of the classified surveillance tool. 


Main Articles (I will put part of it up because it is a long and deep investigation.)

"... Former U.S. military officials told The American Report that the foreign surveillance system known as “The Hammer,” built by CIA contractor-turned whistleblower Dennis L. Montgomery, saved the lives of U.S. troops engaged in the War on Terror. “THE HAMMER” kept Americans safe after 9/11, according to those military sources..."


"...Dennis Montgomery designed and built “THE HAMMER” to protect Americans, not to spy on them. What Brennan and Clapper were doing was in direct opposition to the original mission of “THE HAMMER.” Brennan and Clapper were doing exactly what the multiple echelons of safeguards and sign-offs were designed to stop. Some conflate  “THE HAMMER” with “HAMR.” According to Montgomery, “THE HAMMER” is the supercomputer operating system and the “HAMR” is the software exploit that runs off of “THE HAMMER.”  Montgomery was a prolific software designer and inventor. He not only developed and built “THE HAMMER,” but also developed technology for analyzing surveillance video from U.S. Air Force Predator drones remotely piloted from Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.  Montgomery had also been the Chief Technology Officer, and Executive Vice President at Reno, Nevada-based defense contractor eTreppid Technologies LLC. Montgomery established eTreppid with his then-business partner Warren Trepp.  ETreppid completed several successful years of lucrative defense contracts. Eventually, Trepp and Montgomery went their separate ways and reached a legal agreement on the terms of their separation..."


The Whole Article and Investigative reporting.  Click HERE         



Futher Editorial notes from myself

So this is why they changed the form of the whistleblower guidelines.   They also knew about the content Whistleblower beforehand.   Even sent a staffer 12 days before the release of it.   Fundraising was something they liked and other dealing.  We can also see the hugh jump in Ukraine funding, so where did it go? So how is this all connected?  Because it is all starting to look like this.  Steven36, check out what is happening in the UK and interest rate around the world.  :idea::sneaky:.  I think you will figure it out.  Just step back a bit and look at the bigger picture my friend. ;) You will see the system.  The system and it's pyramid. :)  Those who are not awake will not understand it.  We stand with you Boris. :showoff::thumbsup:17+ I've seen the bat signal of the painting. ^_^ You've told us it would be tough and it has been but we put our faith in GOD.  Hopefully, the Honeybadger and the Cleaner are almost finish.  Because we believe in this.  Shout out to Craig.:read:  This one is for you.     Love and peace to everyone.  






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