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[EXPIRED] Apowersoft Watermark Remover v1.4.0.4


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Do you have photos that would be absolutely perfect to use in your project, but they have watermarks? Don’t have the skills to go in and meticulously erase the watermarks on an entire folder of images? You’re in luck! Just pick up a copy of today’s discount software promotion, Apowersoft Watermark Remover!

Apowersoft Watermark Remover lets you remove watermarks from photos and videos, either from a single file or multiple files in batch. With Apowersoft Watermark Remover, you’ll be able to quickly and easily erase watermarks using the power and flexibility of three watermark selection tools! Best of all, you can preview your final result to see what it looks like, then just click on ‘Convert’ and let your computer do all of the work.

Need to add watermarks to photos and videos? Apowersoft Watermark Remover can do that, too! Not only can you add graphics, you can also add text using hundreds of included fonts. Plus, you have complete control over size, transparency, and location!

After you purchase Apowersoft Watermark Remover, it may be used for 12 months.




Platforms: Windows 7, 8, 10, Vista

Giveaway link :


















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