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SoftOrbits Batch Picture Resizer 9.1


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A Batch Picture Resizer is software that anyone who works with digital photos will find extremely useful. Many people use expensive and complex image editing packages just to resize photos and resolve other simple issues because it has not occurred that there is a far cheaper, quicker and more efficient solution. Also, resizing pictures manually, one by one, can be vastly time consuming, especially when you have hundreds, let alone thousands of photos that need resizing. One solution is a powerful little user-friendly application called Batch Picture Resizer. With this simple and cheap program, you can resize any amount of images quickly. The picture resizer can be used to reduce the size of your photos so that they are more appropriate for publishing on the Internet, emailing to family and friends or simply to save space on your hard drive. The highest quality possible is also preserved in the files. Batch Picture Resizer also provides the possibility to change the color levels of your pictures or add text and watermarks to group of photos quickly.




System Requirements:

Windows 7/ 8/ 10





File Size:

22.4 MB


Giveaway link :






Giveaway link 2 :


https://www.softorbits.com/actions/getfreekey.html?pid=bpr&a_aid=1&lang=dutch&utm_nooverride=1&utm_source=pt1&utm_medium=product&utm_content=Batch Picture Resizer&utm_campaign=installergetkey


Giveaway link 3 :






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You have to install and activate it before the Giveaway offer for the software is over.

Terms and conditions

Please note that the software you download and install
during the Giveaway period comes with the following important limitations:
1) No free technical support
2) No free upgrades to future versions
3) Strictly non-commercial usage

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