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Max Registry Cleaner Review


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I've see this one in a review as the winner of a cleaner competition.

It had the best detection not counting empty registry keys (but you can delete empty keys), the least false positives, and when you pass it twice, it hardly finds new shit, so it has the feel it cleans OK without false positives.

I passed MCR -> 750 things (i chose not to clean them)

I passed CCleaner -> It erased some things, but MRC says there are 700 things left (CCleaner is not anything good deleting registry shit. It's safe, but not intensive in cleaning.)

I passed RegVac -> It erased some things, but MRC says there are 550 things left (I thought RegVac should be better)

I passed Registry Winner (rogueware?) -> It erased some things, but MRC says there are 450 things left (i should uninstall RWinner)

So it seems to delete shit beyond what i have... Things i saw not deleted by the other three were:

- MRU (you won't delete this if you use MRUs frecuently, for example the Start--Run dialog)

- Recent documents LNK files

- Windows clipboards (this should not be checked, as it will always be used)

- Event log

Interesting thing is its Deep Scan, which seems to do a very good job deleting shit i had from ages.

And the other good thing is it has Registry Defrag (Compactor). My reg was 50MB large, then it was compacted up to 45MB (~10%).

The rest is not good IMO, since it has nothing more than Full Scan or Custom Scan, and Settings are almost null, and i hate it asking for "continue" when starting it.

But i feel it as a good cleaner overall, giving me the sense of a deeper or wider cleaning.

Can you people try this one? I've tried several cleaners posted here, but none gave me good feeling (Registry Winner at the beginning).

I found the version in TPB with a Patch maked as a virus by many AVs, so i applied that Patch under SandBoxie and recovered main EXE, so i'm sure that was not a virus. Current version is, but i can't find it as i want it (errrr... i mean, for free).

And... i also don't know if this one could be a rogueware, it seems nice, but i don't know.

PS: I'm not selling anything (i'm rather pirating it xDDDDDDDDD)

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I heard about it, but i don't like huge installers or system suites...

I'll try next time i see an update here (as my registry is quite clean now).

I'll compare with my cleaners and post results here.

Thanks for your suggestion ;)

PS: I've seen a 5MB installer, so it's not big, but not small (RegVac is about 1MB, and MaxRegistry is under 3MB so i was also skeptic with it)

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If you want test it :

WinASO Registry Optimizer 4.5.2

Site: http://hotfile.com
Sharecode: /dl/18225934/b421a48/tool.rar.html

Pass: fornsane

else, there are system suites... (Tuneup 2010 is great and powerful !!!)


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WinASO seems nice.

It has a disk cleaner (similar to CCleaner) and a registry cleaner similar to Max Registry Cleaner. It detected about 250 entries under "Custom controls" section and a few more (my registry was cleaned yesterday, so i didn't expect anything). So i guess the only difference is that "Custom controls" section.

Another difference is WinASO is the first cleaner i see that suggest to ignore (instead of delete) some entries.

And one more... Registry defrag lied to me, telling that it would reduce registry size from 45MB to 11 (it appeared me a strange thing, but i almost drop a tear when i saw it; but it wasn't true, i see if was not changed anything after reboot -> 45MB).

Nice tool anyway. It has better feel than Max Registry Cleaner, but i didn't like that Defrag liar.

So i'm currently using 4 Reg Cleaners (CClenaer doesn't count here for me) and 3 Disk cleaners. I hope to scan in a month to delete some of those cleaners and keep the best one or two.

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WinASO seems nice.

It has a disk cleaner (similar to CCleaner) and a registry cleaner similar to Max Registry Cleaner. It detected about 250 entries under "Custom controls" section and a few more (my registry was cleaned yesterday, so i didn't expect anything). So i guess the only difference is that "Custom controls" section.

Another difference is WinASO is the first cleaner i see that suggest to ignore (instead of delete) some entries.

And one more... Registry defrag lied to me, telling that it would reduce registry size from 45MB to 11 (it appeared me a strange thing, but i almost drop a tear when i saw it; but it wasn't true, i see if was not changed anything after reboot -> 45MB).

Nice tool anyway. It has better feel than Max Registry Cleaner, but i didn't like that Defrag liar.

So i'm currently using 4 Reg Cleaners (CClenaer doesn't count here for me) and 3 Disk cleaners. I hope to scan in a month to delete some of those cleaners and keep the best one or two.

Where can I find that on WinASO?

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I am not for sure but I think what you need to do is go to Options.. on the main top bar.. and set the program up.. I use an aggressive scan setting.. no automatic rules made.. and I do not ignore links to discs and external .. Next you scan your registry for a cleaning and it will show you how many entries on what section, and you will be able to go through each one and see what they are by section .. or you can use the drop-down to sort them.. You need to watch for Service.. this area can kill some programs.. so if you delete something there .. make sure you know what it is.. regardless it should be setup to scan all areas..

I have 'Use Ignore List while scanning' and 'Save last scan settings automatically' checked.. and Aggressive chosen..I do not use the scheduler as I am always on top of it.. but if you do make sure to select what you want scanned.. You can then especially with your first scan unselect and set a rule to not delete certain entries if you need to.. If it breaks something them re-installing it should fix it..

Always useful to use all of the options all the way through that you can or need.. and don't forget t defrag your registry either.:thumbsup:

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I used Safe Mode, not aggressive.

When i said "Custom controls" section i meant this: You start a registry scan and it detects errors by sections.

For example:

COM/ActiveX errors:34

Missing links: 26

Missing uninstallers: 36

Custom controls: 250

You have to do nothing, it appears on scanning.

Anybody has been lied when defragging his registry ? I don't know why it says to me it will reduce its size in a 70% (same result in Quick or Full analysis, but it doesn't reduce the size). It's true it was compacted with Max Registry 3 days ago, but that one doesn't lie, it told me it would make a 50->45MB defrag and it made it. Now it says it would reduce about 100-200KB and i believe it, BUT what's impossible to believe is WinASO would reduce it up to 11MB...

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Are you reading the numbers right?.. Mine.. IF the percentage is large it does it.. small percentages will be there..and when and/or if I do a MAJOR cleaning with several thousand entries.. it definitely sometimes makes a big difference..I have found it does better when I remove all possible programs by Task Manager before running and even shut down the main app.. and leave just the defragger.. I also ALWAYS disconnect all of my drives when I am doing all of this.. so that all that junk.. especially the files entries can be removed.. Some things can really wreak havoc on your registry though.. So it kind of depends on what you do in between times too..

Reducing 70% is like MAJOR numbers...

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WinASO Registry defrag tested on laptop:

Reg Size: 21400 KB current / 4716 KB after defrag (77.98% reduction)

Lies, lies, lies, it does not reduce much more than 100-200 KB (0.5%-1%).

PS: Once again, it was previously defragged with Max Registry Cleaner 2 weeks ago, so results may vary according your registry status.

PS2: I think Max Reg broke my MSN... it now keep forgetting my name, and shows e-mail instead. In this laptop, with Windows Messenger, it asks me for a name each time it loads.

PS3: I'll end thinking all RegCleaners are poorly made.

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I don't know if you tried it or not. But I really like Auslogics Boostspeed. And Auslogics also has a good registry defrag program. I myself tested it.

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It seems that MSN thing is happening to other people with Windows Messenger and older versions of MSN Messenger... since a week or so, so it seems to be another Mr.Burns aka M$ strategy to force people to move to their latest shit.

I'd try Auslogic if it were under 5MB (i should say 3MB) and not a cluster of cleaning tools, which i don't like. I like light, small and specialized programs. But thanks for your kindness ;)

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Then try only Auslogics Registry Defrag. Just 2.82 MB. ;)

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Tried in desktop with that 45MB registry.

It offers me a size reduction of 476KB (1.0%) and an 0.7% of speed improvement.

So nothing more than others... and will be deleted.

In other words... i've checked that Max Reg offers more entries to delete than WinASO, even subtracting empty regkeys and even setting WinASO on agressive. And it offers an accurate regdefrag (at least in analysis). I'll keep the two, besides RegVac and the poor CCleaner which only serves me as a good disk cleaner.

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  • 3 weeks later...

SpyBot marks Max Registry Cleaner as Rogue, so...

PS: Curiously, Reg Winner is not marked.

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