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How to backup the "data" folder?


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How to backup the "data" folder?
After install iBoysoft File Protector, I want to backup its registration information, but can not gain access to the "data" folder (C:\Program Files\iBoysoft\File Protector\data).
How to modify the security tab of the "data" folder properties in order to copy it?

thank you in advance.


Installer: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode: /files/10338281/iBoysoft_File_Protector_v2.0.zip.html


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Sorry, but you wanted to protect Your files and folders? Or did not want? Happened accidentally? Turn protection of, set backup program and put it in exceptions. If it don't help, take full ownership, ie You'll get all permissions and after that do what You want.

PS! An external download links must be sharecoded, if they are not official.

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thanks for your help, i just want to know how to modify the security tab of the "data" folder properties to access the "data" folder.  it seem that the "data" folder do  not allow  taking full ownership, 

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Search for this file in forum "Add_Take_Ownership_to_context_menu" and merg to register as the easiest way

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It's much easier to use Windows 10 Manager (or another if you don't have Windows 10). It's all there. Search for Take ownership under context menu manager.
But I personally don't think you can change it if software producer have protected it, then it is protected so that the administrator privileges is not enough to change. You need system privileges.

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Instead of trying to change the access rights through the OS used to install your app, what about booting the computer with an 'external' OS (CD, usb key; winpe and the like) and copying the files you need?

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8 hours ago, steinom said:

Search for this file in forum "Add_Take_Ownership_to_context_menu" and merg to register as the easiest way

thanks, add "take ownership to context menu" is no response to the "data" folder .

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5 hours ago, mp68terr said:

Instead of trying to change the access rights through the OS used to install your app, what about booting the computer with an 'external' OS (CD, usb key; winpe and the like) and copying the files you need?

many thanks, with an 'external' OS or some App, I can access  the "data" folder, but i want to know how to modify ownership to get the access right, I think  that the "data" folder have been protected.

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If you want permissions on a file or directory . (whole disk ) 

use this     download


Some tekst from Publisher :

  • GrantPerms is a small portable tool that can be used to check permissions or unlock multiple files and folders. It is useful in cases where malware locks security files and system files and prevent them from running even after the malware is removed.


    Tested and works perfect.


    I hope it helped you.







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thanks, add "take ownership to context menu" is no response to the "data" folder .


Yes it is, it will give you access to all folders you want to open/access (it is an dos script as change security status for folder you want to change status/security level for)

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3 hours ago, eurobyn said:

If you want permissions on a file or directory . (whole disk ) 

use this     download


Some tekst from Publisher :

  • GrantPerms is a small portable tool that can be used to check permissions or unlock multiple files and folders. It is useful in cases where malware locks security files and system files and prevent them from running even after the malware is removed.


    Tested and works perfect.


    I hope it helped you.




thank you for your help, After run GrantPerms, it say Unlock operation completed, but i still can  not access the "data" folder.

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i think better option is to boot from winPE(eg. winPE Sergei_Strelec), after that copy and save your desired files, as no restriction is applied if you are accessing your  C drive using winPE
maye be i am wrong but it is better than changing the permission

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Here again are the several things to try on your locked folder:

1. try unlocker freeware (http://www.emptyloop.com/unlocker/). Working fine under w7, don't know about w10.

2. here are the commands used to take ownership (as admin) and to give it back to win TrustedInstaller

takeown /f "path to the directory" /r /d Y
icacls "path to the directory" /grant administrators:F /t
do your stuff there as admin: rename, delete, copy, etc...
icacls "path to the directory" /setowner "NT Service\TrustedInstaller" /T /C
icacls "path to the directory" /c /t /reset

Working fine under w7, don't know about w10. Might be similar to grantperms, never tried since unlocker worked fine.

3. as proposed a couple of days ago: use an 'external' OS, to copy your files and forget about the permissions.

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2 hours ago, mp68terr said:

Here again are the several things to try on your locked folder:

1. try unlocker freeware (http://www.emptyloop.com/unlocker/). Working fine under w7, don't know about w10.

2. here are the commands used to take ownership (as admin) and to give it back to win TrustedInstaller

takeown /f "path to the directory" /r /d Y
icacls "path to the directory" /grant administrators:F /t
do your stuff there as admin: rename, delete, copy, etc...
icacls "path to the directory" /setowner "NT Service\TrustedInstaller" /T /C
icacls "path to the directory" /c /t /reset

Working fine under w7, don't know about w10. Might be similar to grantperms, never tried since unlocker worked fine.

3. as proposed a couple of days ago: use an 'external' OS, to copy your files and forget about the permissions.


many thanks,  unlocker is no any useful to the "date" folder. PChunter can copy the "date" folder, but  the registration information become invalid when restore  the "date" folder,

in addition, takeown, cacls, icacls simply can not modify  the  ownership of the "date" folder.


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