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[Solved] Strange problem with Portable Hard Drive


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I´ll make this as short as possible (he lies):-

1) Yesterday I decide to make another Macrium image of my  system onto a 1TB portable hard drive that had plenty of free space.

2) First I tried to delete an old image (25th May 2019) that was on the portable HD.

3) At first it wouldn't delete because I forgot Macrium Image Guardian was enabled and protecting the image.

4) On my third attempt I realized why it wasn't deleting and I disabled Image Guardian and deleted the image.

5) I think the image was probably about 50 to 70GB.

6) The portable HD was about 2 thirds full.

7) After deleting the image I noticed that Windows was showing the portable HD as having only 19.9GB free space from 931GB capacity.

8) I thought it was just some read anomaly maybe caused by my forgetting that Image Guardian had been protecting the files on the portable HD.

9) I disconnected/reconnected my portable HD...it still showed 19.9GB free space, from 931GB capacity.

10) I totalled the folders on the portable HD (with pen and paper and with a calculator) several times and they amount to 573.74GB used space.

11) So I should have 350GB still free.

12) When I tried to make an image of my system (about 90GB), Macrium failed to complete it due to insufficient space on the portable HD !!!???

13) I turned on "Show hidden files" on Windows just in case there was some kind of "ghost" image involved..but nothing appears.

14) Now I'm thinking I have to transfer the contents of the portable HD to my computer and another portable HD because I don't want to lose these folders, then maybe

      reformat the offending portable HD.

15) If anyone has a clue what has happened, feel free to comment. It's too late at night here for me to begin transferring my files, so I'll do that tomorrow.

Thanks for your patience....again!!😀😀😀

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Did you empty your Recycle bin? or turn off the recycle bin on that drive

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9 hours ago, v8commodore said:

Did you empty your Recycle bin? or turn off the recycle bin on that drive


7 hours ago, neofita said:

I agree with @v8commodore :)




5 hours ago, Mach1 said:

Sounds more like you may have a hidden partition to me !


User stated the following:

9 hours ago, funkyy said:

13) I turned on "Show hidden files" on Windows just in case there was some kind of "ghost" image involved..but nothing appears.


If he actually looked at the disk with the show hidden files it would also show hidden folders (recycle bin) and drives (partition).  The best thing he could do is take a look at the drive using DiskPart and see what it is showing him.

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Thanks to all you guys for your feedback. I read all your ideas/suggestions and I've decided to transfer all the contents of the portable HD and then reformat it.

I have made many images and restored images using Macrium and never had any kind of problem, so this was a surprise for me. I don't mess around with partitions as

I'm not too tech savvy. I've attached 2 screenshots of the info about the portable HD in question.

I'll post an update later to let you all know what happens. Thanks again for giving me food for thought.😀😀😀




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7th Aug update:- Got things sorted guys...thanks again for your suggestions:-


1) I transferred the contents of the portable HD to my computer.

2) I reformatted the portable HD.

3) I then transferred the contents back to the portable HD.

4) It took quite some time, but everything is back to normal, the portable HD shows

    the correct info regarding  occupied and free space.

5) I made an image with Macrium and that went well too. This "glitch" seemed to be caused by my switching on-off-on

   Macrium Image Guardian while deleting an old image...I did nothing else out of the ordinary.


Consider topic SOLVED.

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On 1/19/2020 at 2:40 PM, Fegalevac said:

Information is very useful for me, thank you! Recently I had problem with hard drive and with drivers on my computer 

What kind a problems with drivers?  I think that no matter what problems you have with drivers, I think you need a driver updater. Check out a few of them at thinkmobiles.com/blog/best-free-driver-updater/. This will help solve most of the problems.

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