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200 minutes skype with Alexa [2 Month]


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Reach friends, family or colleagues with 100 minutes of free calls per month for two months when you link Skype with Alexa.

  1. Set up your Alexa device using the Amazon Alexa App for Android or iOS.
  2. Go to Settings > Communication > Skype to link your accounts.
  3. Sign in using the same Microsoft account you use on Skype.

Skype calling with Alexa is currently available in the US, the UK, Canada, India, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico and Spain. This feature will be coming soon to Japan. For the best calling experience on Alexa, make sure you’re using the latest version of Skype.

Offer comprises of 2 months, up to 100 minutes per month, of free Skype to Phone calling to mobiles and landlines in 34 countries and regions (USA, Canada, China, India (international calling only), United Kingdom, Poland, Indonesia, Germany, Russian Federation, Thailand, Italy, Brazil, Australia, Mexico, France, Japan, Colombia, Bangladesh, Portugal, Nigeria, Argentina, Spain, Slovakia (Slovak Republic), New Zealand, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Switzerland, South Korea, Denmark, Austria, Ireland, Singapore, Greece, when you link Skype to Alexa – to learn more click here. Valid for first time users of the offer only. Excludes special, premium, and non-geographic numbers.


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