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Windows Server Essentials (Server 2019)


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I realize this may not be for everyone, but for anyone that runs a homelab, or has previously setup domain networks, Microsoft made an awesome tool called Server Essentials that automated alot, and made setup a breeze.  For whatever reason they decided to remove this from Server 2019.  Thanks to the wonderful people at theofficemaven.com, we have discovered that you can still install Server Essentials manually.  I definitely recommend reading their entire post, but  The steps will be outlined below.  This assumes you have a clean install of windows server 2019 w or w.o datacenter with gui.  Their article recommends you install server 2016 in hyperv to grab the files, but I have done that for you and zipped them up.  When I get time, I will create an automated installer for this, but here is the quick and dirty version.


On your windows server 2019 machine, from an elevated powershell prompt install the following features in this order one at a time


Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-RemoteAccess-PowerShell
Install-WindowsFeature -Name Windows-Server-Backup
Install-WindowsFeature -Name FS-DFS-Namespace
Install-WindowsFeature -Name FS-BranchCache
Install-WindowsFeature -Name BranchCache


You then need to copy the required folders directly from a Server2016 Install into the respective directories in your 2019 Install.  I have zipped them all up and mirrored them below.


You also need to copy several reg keys from 2016 to 2019, I have exported everything necessary into one file named regedit.reg that you can simply merge into your 2019 install.  It is included in my repack.


After the files are copied over and the registry has been modified, you want to create the following services from an elevated command prompt.


SC CREATE “WseStorageSvc” start= disabled binpath= “%SystemRoot%\System32\Essentials\storageservice.exe” depend= rpcss/samss/vds/winmgmt DisplayName= “Windows Server Essentials Storage Service”


SC CREATE “ServiceProviderRegistry” start= disabled binpath= “%SystemRoot%\System32\Essentials\ProviderRegistryService.exe” depend= KeyIso/NetTcpPortSharing DisplayName= “Windows Server Essentials Provider Registry Service”


SC CREATE “WseComputerBackupSvc” start= disabled binpath= “%SystemRoot%\System32\Essentials\WSSBackup.exe” depend= rpcss/samss/tcpip DisplayName= “Windows Server Essentials Computer Backup Service”


SC CREATE “WseNtfSvc” type= share start= disabled binpath= “”%SystemRoot%\System32\Essentials\SharedServiceHost.exe” “%SystemRoot%\System32\Essentials\NotificationServiceConfig”” depend= ServiceProviderRegistry DisplayName= “Windows Server Essentials Notification Service”


SC CREATE “WseMgmtSvc” type= share start= disabled binpath= “”%SystemRoot%\System32\Essentials\SharedServiceHost.exe” “%SystemRoot%\System32\Essentials\ManagementServiceConfig”” depend= ServiceProviderRegistry DisplayName= “Windows Server Essentials Management Service”


SC CREATE “WseHealthSvc” type= share start= disabled binpath= “”%SystemRoot%\System32\Essentials\SharedServiceHost.exe” “%SystemRoot%\System32\Essentials\HealthServiceConfig”” depend= ServiceProviderRegistry/eventlog DisplayName= “Windows Server Essentials Health Service”


SC CREATE “WseEmailSvc” type= share start= disabled binpath= “”%SystemRoot%\System32\Essentials\SharedServiceHost.exe” “%SystemRoot%\System32\Essentials\EmailProviderServiceConfig”” depend= ServiceProviderRegistry DisplayName= “Windows Server Essentials Email Service”


SC CREATE “WseMediaSvc” start= disabled binpath= “%SystemRoot%\System32\Essentials\MediaStreamingProvider.exe” depend= ServiceProviderRegistry DisplayName= “Windows Server Essentials Media Streaming Service”


Now create your firewall rules.


netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”Windows Server Essentials Client Backup Service” dir=in action=allow program=”%SystemRoot%\System32\Essentials\WSSBackup.exe” enable=yes profile=any


Back in an elevated powershell you are ready to run the configuration wizard.


$cred = Get-Credential -UserName “[TypeYourNewAdminUserAccountNameHere]” -Message “[Specify a password to be used for your new administrator account.]”


remove the [] but leave the "",  example $cred = Get-Credential -UserName "Admin" -Message "Password1"


finally run the following command and follow the onscreen prompts.




The server will restart on its own several times.  Check out the original article below.




Windows Server Essentials Repack Download


Site: https://www.datafilehost.com
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