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vista readyboost


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what is all your thoughts on the latest vista readyboost opition? was looking at it for a usb stick. i know there was other types like this posted in nsane but i didnt know if they worked out (key problem etc)

using a laptop t7200 2.00 GHz 2 cores with 2 GB ram vista making 4,24 GB virtual memory

running newsleecher with giganew 360 days of headers tends to be slow with certain newsgroups.

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First suggestion would be upgrade to 4GB of RAM..Then use eBoostr.. This program will allow you to use Your RAM to target and speed the various areas you want.. advisable to atleast use 1 GB ... I have luck with it on XP, Vista, and when the new version is released I would like to check it out with 7.. I stand behind it and SuperSpeed RAM Disk.. which you can use to put your pagefile onto.. basically giving your system a SSD ( sort of ) for your cache..

The only issue that comes with some of this is that SuperSpeed is a little expensive if you go with the whole package.. but nice to have..On startup it slows your system a bit.. because it must load the image that is used.. which is as large as the allocated size.. eBoostr the same thing.. has an image file ( .dat ) that will be put into your main drive which will load after your system starts.. so it delays a bit but is loaded after you login to the account.. and has a few options to allow you better control..

Alternatives to these methods would be to tweak your system pagefile size.. ( several guides out there ).. OR use something like O&O Clever Cache Pro .. which I have had a lot of success with even with systems with small amounts of RAM like 512 MB...

Technically there are several different approaches that can be taken.. that is of course.. after you have propely maintained a system and are getting the most that you can out of your HD and system performance .. depending on what kind of bottlenecks that may exist in processing on your system.. ( including the ability to properly use both cores.. ) you may need to adjust the approach to discern what may be a better option.. You may also not notice the gans until you actually put your system under severe load.. so depending on what or where.. you are trying to target your system.. there can be different ways to address the issue..and different settings you will address strategically..

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I tried readyboost on vista home basic using a 1G usb stick, I did not noticed any difference in performance so I stopped using it and used the USB slot for my laptop cooler instead :lol:

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