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How does one become a ViP Member ?


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yeah, it's the police code for smoking pot. as in, "this is officer blah blah, we have a 420 on our hands". any ways, i guess i should change it. scaring all those people out of donating :eek:

@Zeus_Hunt - you should be able to signup for a paypal account. then, set it up to use your bank account (so you don't need a credit card) :mellow:

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Guest Gir489
yeah, it's the police code for smoking pot. as in, "this is officer blah blah, we have a 420 on our hands". any ways, i guess i should change it. scaring all those people out of donating ;)

@Zeus_Hunt - you should be able to signup for a paypal account. then, set it up to use your bank account (so you don't need a credit card) :P


The thing that made me want to donate the most, is that you update your site A LOT.

Unlike some other sites. :rolleyes:

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A lot. :lol:

It doesn't cost that much considering you're using the free trial version. :rolleyes:

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unlimited trial* (which was only available for 2 days) :rolleyes:

but, we are working on a few things to make the site like 10x more effecient...watch and see ;)

welcome to the forums btw :lol:

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unlimited trial* (which was only available for 2 days) :smartass:

but, we are working on a few things to make the site like 10x more effecient...watch and see ;)

welcome to the forums btw :welcome:

Thanks mate. I was referred to this site by someone off PeerWeb (site I'm admin at), can't remember who it was now. :welcome:

Anyway...I managed to download the unlimited free trial in the 2 days too. :smartass: What type of stuff you got lined up to make more efficient? Btw disabling the right click on the front page is really annoying. :D

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well, i have a file server lined up in palestine. plus, we're also working on getting a custom site engine online, within the next week, that runs off the IPB database. after that, it's just click and update (10x easier) :smartass:

another bonus of this, the mods and admins can help me update everything. meaning, more programs updated more often :smartass:

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well, i have a file server lined up in palestine. plus, we're also working on getting a custom site engine online, within the next week, that runs off the IPB database. after that, it's just click and update (10x easier) :smartass:

another bonus of this, the mods and admins can help me update everything. meaning, more programs updated more often :smartass:

Sounds good. Do you just update the page manually at the moment?

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Guest Gir489
cause its just that, a trial..


But you can't remove the trial tag thing from the bottom?

Don't you have the .PHP files? :smartass:

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yes, but i don't want IPS thinking i'm using a pirated board :smartass:

plus, i don't think your allowed to :smartass:

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Guest Gir489
It can be removed... but for legal reasons it wont.


This whole place isn't legal. :smartass:

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I think it is better to be doing as much legal stuff as possible then leave the rest to GOD :smartass: :smartass: :welcome:

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  • Administrator
This whole place isn't legal. :smartass:

Find me some illegal content hosted on this server :smartass:

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Having a link to a patch is not illegal ?

I would take ur word for it that, it is legally legal.... as I know shit about a very confusing cyber law....

But then I wonder why on some sites we have h**p://...... mentioned rather than use http:// ..... :smartass:

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  • Administrator

There is not illegal content on this server.

The last i heard hyperlinks where legal, but we wont tolerate them in the forum.

h**p and http... makes no difference.

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Guest Blank Space

I think some hosts have some clause in their terms about linking to files and/or sites of that nature.

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So as long as we do not host any illegal files on our server we are all good....

So can all provide liks to a different server from here....

So wat do the severs do who host them....

R they protected bcoz they located in russia.....

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But then I wonder why on some sites we have h**p://......  mentioned rather than use http:// .....   :rolleyes:

Some sites use h**p:// so that the user has to copy and paste the link into their browser, and then edit the "tt" into it. This is so that the site in the h**p:// cannot tell where there bandwidth is getting used from.

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Guest Gir489
Find me some illegal content hosted on this server   :P



You admin for this site, and you don't even know what's on it!!!! :rolleyes:

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