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How does one become a ViP Member ?


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I was just wondering

How one can become a Admin , Moderator or a ViP Member ?

What are their responsibility ?

More interested in ViP Members as we have 2 ViP Members FTFakes and rick with posts till date as 2 and 1 respectively....

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via donating or making 1500 posts :lol:

i haven't thought of anything 'special' for ViPs as of yet, besides a hidden forum. but, i'll think of something sooner or later :unsure:

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via donating or making 1500 posts :lol:

i haven't thought of anything 'special' for ViPs as of yet, besides a hidden forum. but, i'll think of something sooner or later :lol:

1500 posts :blink: :unsure: :wacko: :eek:

I think my hair will becom grey by then :lol:

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Heh 1500... I remember back in the days when I didn't have a life and I just lived it through forums(over 50+) haha and I wasn't really a 'spammer' but people thought I was because of my Average Posts... Put it this way within a week I would have over 200+ posts... And they weren't meaningless posts but legitament... Heh I remember one forum banned me because they thought I was spamming... Oh well... As for now.. I rarely post =/ Oh well...

nsane: What is in the hidden forums anyway?(If not allowed to be mentioned then sorry)

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@zeus_hut - ok, how about 500 posts? :lol:

@Cultivator - it's just a hidden forum the ViPs to talk about anything they want, no holds bared type stuff. except for flaming and what not :unsure:

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@zeus_hut - ok, how about 500 posts? :unsure:

@Cultivator - it's just a hidden forum the ViPs to talk about anything they want, no holds bared type stuff. except for flaming and what not :lol:

Sound much better :blink: except that I would have loved to be cld zeus_hunt rather than a zeus_hut :lol:

I think there would not be any flaming by the ViP members as they all would have become matured enough, to be not doing that stuff....

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Guest Gir489
via donating or making 1500 posts :lol:

i haven't thought of anything 'special' for ViPs as of yet, besides a hidden forum. but, i'll think of something sooner or later :blink:


Because I'm such a nice guy, I just donated whatever was left in my PayPal account. ($5.80)

You should make the donation option "big and bold", so that people can see it. I would have donated sooner, but I didn't see the link. :unsure:

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What about the Admin or Mod Position?

You have to be well endowed to get this position :unsure:

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If I suck your dick will you make me Head Admin?

I give good head, I swear.


Cool Beans

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If I suck your dick will you make me Head Admin?

I give good head, I swear.


Cool Beans

:unsure: ......If I seek to become a Mod here, I hope I don't have to do something similar :lol:

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why? giving good head is easy once you have some practice

Cool Beans

I will consider your offer DoLFaN...



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Guest Blank Space
why? giving good head is easy once you have some practice

Cool Beans


Should I even ask how you gave head before? I'm guessing you were drunk or something... but really my instinct tells me I don't want to know.

I didn't have to do anything. Nsane or someone promoted me to Global Mod immediately.

Nsane (and maybe Lite) at least knew both my aliases. (Probably because of my Gmail address. Hell, he knows my real name too when I gave that invite.) :mellow:

Did I also mention being on the best list on the forum? http://www.nsaneforums.com/ind...ts&CODE=leaders

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Because I'm such a nice guy, I just donated whatever was left in my PayPal account. ($5.80)

You should make the donation option "big and bold", so that people can see it. I would have donated sooner, but I didn't see the link. :eek:

thak you, one step closer to the new file server. just need google to hurry the feck up now :P

btw, check out the new donate link ;)

@Blank Space - yeah, i gave most of the VIPs from FSH mod positions. all you guys seem trustworthy :mellow:

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Guest Blank Space

Just has a green color. Although a second ago it said $Donate$.

It doesn't matter. It seems a bit clearer now.

I can't donate. I literally have to steal my school lunches anyways just to eat.

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Guest Gir489
thak you, one step closer to the new file server. just need google to hurry the feck up now :P

btw, check out the new donate link :eek:


You should make a HUGE page on donation.

Referencing Doomsdayhq.com's page here: http://www.doomsdayhq.com/donate.php

If you go to the main page, you can see the huge PayPal link. :mellow:

Just has a green color.  Although a second ago it said $Donate$.


That's PHP code.

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How much total $s are required to keep the forum alive ? :eek:

If it is confidential plz pm me.....

I sure would like to contribute....

Unfortunately as of now I don not have a credit card or a paypal account... any other way to contribute ?

I may be getting a credit card in the near future though.... :mellow:

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Guest Gir489
How much total $s are required to keep the forum alive ? :mellow:


A lot. :eek:

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In the donation page it says the email account of nsane is nsane420....

Now in India the number 420 (Chaar Sau Bees) is notorious....

As it represents a thug.... :P

People who dupe people for money get a jain sentence :eek: under the article 420 of judiciary... :mellow:

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I would love to have a $ figure..... :eek: :P ;)

Lets party ;) :mellow: :P

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Guest Gir489
I would love to have a $ figure.....  ;)

By the way congrates Gir489 for being promoted to ViP status :P  :clap:  :mellow:

Lets party :P  :eek:  :P



;) ;) :eek: ;) :lol:

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In the donation page it says the email account of nsane is nsane420....

Now in India the number 420 (Chaar Sau Bees) is notorious....

As it represents a thug.... :eek:

People  who dupe people for money get a jain sentence ;) under the article 420 of judiciary... ;)

Isnt 420 Hitlers birthday and like pot day or something... :P :mellow:

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