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Is this website Safe : How to Check Website Safety to Avoid Cyber Threats Online

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Is this website Safe : How to Check Website Safety to Avoid Cyber Threats Online

Is it a legitimate website

is this website safe ? In this digital world, Check website safety is most important concern since there are countless malicious websites available everywhere over the Internet, it is very difficult to find a trustworthy website. We need tobrowse smart and need to make sure the site is not dangerous by using Multiple approaches.


In general, it is good to type the website URL instead of copy paste or clicking an URL. Also, check to see the website working with HTTP OR HTTPS.


Also Read: New Android Future ” DNS over TLS ” going to Stop ISPs from Knowing what websites you visit

Investigating: is this website safe

In order to find, is this website safe , we need to figure it out if the URL received from an unknown source and we would recommend cross-checking the URL before clicking on it. Copy the URL to analyzers that available over the Internet and ensure it’s Integrity. 


If it is a shortened URL you can unshortenit with the site and then analyze the actual URL.

Methods to analyze Websites

To check website safety, the first and the most recommended method is to check online page scanners, which uses the latest fingerprinting technology to show web applications are up to date or infected by malware.


You can use Comodo web inspector which is more powerful, however, it would take more time. In another hand, it would be done a very depth analysis with the website and list possible malicious contents.


Like this number of scanners available

Website reputation check needs to be done to find the trustworthiness of website with WOT .


Ensure SSL is there before making a purchase

In order to check website safety, Ensure the website availability with https before entering the payment card details. We can audit the HTTPS availability with the SSL analyzer URL’s available over the internet.


Also, there is a range of certificates available over the Internet from low assured (domain validation) to the Most trusted Extended validation certificates, you can refer the URL for more details.


Moreover, we can verify their prompt installation with various popular checkers available

Google Safe Browsing: is this website safe

According to Google, in order to check, is this website Safe, Browsing is a service that Google’s security team built to identify unsafe websites across the web and notify users and webmasters of potential harm.


In this Transparency Report, Google discloses details about the threats we detect and the warnings we show to users.


We share this information to increase awareness about unsafe websites, and we hope to encourage progress toward a safer and more secure web.


Safe Browsing also notifies webmasters when their websites are compromised by malicious actors and helps them diagnose and resolve the problem so that their visitors stay safer.


Safe Browsing protections work across Google products and power safer browsing experiences across the Internet.


Check the Browsing Website have Any unsafe Content or not –  Google Safe Browsing

To Report Malicious websites

Please report the dangerous URL to the services mentioned below. They are arranged in categories which should make it relatively easy to decide which services you should report the site to.


Services which blacklist Dangerous sites

Services which blacklist Phishing Sites

Check the Blacklist IP Address 

There are some awesome tools to Check the website IP Address has been listed in the Global Blacklist Database.


Multirbl is a free multiple DNSBL (DNS BlackList aka RBL) lookup and FCrDNS(Forward Confirmed reverse DNS akaiprev) check tool to conform,  is this website Safe.

Check the Website Safety & Reputation

analyzes a website through multiple blacklist engines and online reputation tools to facilitate the detection of fraudulent and malicious websites. This service helps you identify websites involved in malware incidents, fraudulent activities, and phishing websites.


Important tools for Check the Website Reputation and confirm is this website Safe


Cyber criminals are using various sophisticated techniques to fool online users to drop malware and other cyber threats to cause unbearable damages. so beware of the malicious website, don’t blindly open the website and check the website safety before open it.






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