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Windows 10.. Wat the hell


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few days back i installed win 10 on my external HDD....just checking it before making final decision to install on my main HDD

Windows 10 19H1 1903(18362.30) - (May 2019 Update)

RTM version May 2019 Update
English - Consumer

MD5  -  5520dad27b89fa7ddd9168c58378a948
SHA1 - e9e187ce83a662619ed05b5b783c12f861e18682 

Includes - Home, Home N, Home Single Language, Education, Education N, Pro, Pro N, Pro Education, Pro Education N, Pro for Workstations, Pro N for Workstations

(I randomly chosen pro, as dont know abt their comparison features)





seriously there too much features in this.. i feel i need to start some win 10 online course to understand it  😕


firstly the updates.. ...WE really have no ctrl on it.... just that pause thing is useless... we cant choose which update to install and which not.. like in win 7,8 etc.

As i finish installing ,  my updates started... dont know how much updates it was downloading and it turn into this version 1903 OS Build 18362.113


that so called personal assistance..  cortana .. i will say is fuking spy along with Bing/below search bar... as watever me surfing they keeping my net activity as a record and when i click even one word on search .. they already giving those options...wat i was surfing few min back...Tracking our activity !!


Than in between  at right panel it was showing some new features installed for you.. restart to take effect... wat fuking features it installing without my permission.. DO the hell microsoft ctrl my PC ?? 


Everything is like cloud share or online stuffs...One thing i notice WIN 10 eats lot of your INTERNET  data....(Better u should have a high speed net)

abt memory usage,,, My idle memory usage 25% in win 7 .. in win 10 it was 60-65% ..  even i was not using any browser.. just imagine if i use firefox or any other browser like opera with 3/4 tabs open and flash player.. it will go till 100%

What a boring OS this is...This you people was crying abt win 10 ????






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I don't want or need all the crap, so I install Enterprise N.

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I used the LTSB / LTSC version from the beginning ;) 

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If you are really that worried about people spying on you, you are using the wrong OS.


I dual boot as I play games that are still not supported on Linux. Windows 10 + OOSU10 + Winaero Tweaker = a cleaner install of features I want to use along without loosing security updates.


Also like @FreeRyde said if you don't want to spend a lot of time tweaking install Enterprise N.


As of Windows 10 1903 many features can be turned off or uninstalled with out tweaking a bunch of system processes.

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where is this Enterprise N. ?? in my ISO file its not there

Includes - Home, Home N, Home Single Language, Education, Education N, Pro, Pro N, Pro Education, Pro Education N, Pro for Workstations, Pro N for Workstations


9 minutes ago, neofita said:

I used the LTSB / LTSC version from the beginning ;) 


some people suggested this only to me...and also i seen many users out here using LTSC ... should i give a try to this ??

 latest version/build of it ! is it this Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC X64 X32 v1809



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You should be able to find An ISO on the net somewhere for it. I do not use it, but I did try it before I had to download a copy I found from another site. Google Iso images for it should not be to hard, also I believe you will need to buy a key or find another way to activate it. 

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What are you using your computer for?

As written earlier a dual boot linux/win could be better.

Instead of trying win10, why not trying a linux distro into your external HDD. There are also live distros if you don't want to install anything.

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Why complain so much about the updates and what s installed; the software belongs to MS and you are just using/renting  it. If you buy a tv, game, or other software you have to use what they put in it and don't have any say so. So either not complain or use different OS, simple.

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Looks like you originally installed an insider version? To begin with I would get a new iso or make an installable usb stick using the official Media Creation Tool because you should be on version 18362.116 18362.145 after updates.

Just disable the stuff you don't want. For starters you can hide the bottom search bar, not use Cortana, and even make the taskbar look near identical to Win 7... 'quicklaunch' & 'show desktop' on the left included. :)

Look at my Win10 taskbar.... no 3rd party theming apps or anything of the sort installed.



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12 hours ago, neofita said:

I used the LTSB / LTSC version from the beginning ;) 

are both the same?

I gonna have to try one of those sooner or later

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The AchieVer
23 minutes ago, Jime234 said:

are both the same?

I gonna have to try one of those sooner or later


Long Term Servicing Branch (LTSB) that is now called the Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC). 


The only real difference between LTSB and LTSC is that LTSC works with newer hardware.



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19 hours ago, dipsetbrett said:

If you are really that worried about people spying on you, you are using the wrong OS.

It is amazing how many people (in forums usually) think that companies/people are collecting information from us surreptitiously to use against us maliciously.  Are any of us that important?  I am well aware of telemetry which most every software company uses to anonymously collect data on how customers use software.  This is much better than the feedback we used to give in the olden days where we would need to (often to no avail) try to contact the developer(s) and let them know our issues.  Often people would leave out important information about their systems, and additional running software which could adversely affect other software or even the OS itself.  With telemetry software developers can anonymously obtain the whole picture to create solutions quickly, and efficiently.  If people think telemetry is  spying, you can rest easy.  I can assure you it is not. 

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The AchieVer
13 minutes ago, dhjohns said:

It is amazing how many people (in forums usually) think that companies/people are collecting information from us surreptitiously to use against us maliciously.  Are any of us that important?  

I concur with you on this.



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18 hours ago, spudboy said:

Looks like you originally installed an insider version? To begin with I would get a new iso or make an installable usb stick using the official Media Creation Tool because you should be on version 18362.116 18362.145 after updates.

Just disable the stuff you don't want. For starters you can hide the bottom search bar, not use Cortana, and even make the taskbar look near identical to Win 7... 'quicklaunch' & 'show desktop' on the left included. :)

Look at my Win10 taskbar.... no 3rd party theming apps or anything of the sort installed.





Insider preview ! Nope. i used the latest released only Windows 10 1903(18362.30) - (May 2019 Update)

and after the update it turn into Windows 10 1903(18362.113) 


your win 10 looking nice & clean like win7... what edition is that.. is it PRO




19 hours ago, Blues said:

If you find windows 10 that hard to work with what do you use?

win 7

9 hours ago, Jime234 said:

are both the same?

I gonna have to try one of those sooner or later


than download frm here...its latest released.. feb/march 2019 update



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22 hours ago, dipsetbrett said:

If you are really that worried about people spying on you, you are using the wrong OS.


I dual boot as I play games that are still not supported on Linux. Windows 10 + OOSU10 + Winaero Tweaker = a cleaner install of features I want to use along without loosing security updates.


Also like @FreeRyde said if you don't want to spend a lot of time tweaking install Enterprise N.


As of Windows 10 1903 many features can be turned off or uninstalled with out tweaking a bunch of system processes.


spying like what we surfing and than suddenly flashing those surf habits related stuff in form of pop up or anything else is an Issue.

its clearly seems that this Internet hungry eater win 10 OS Crossed all its limit in doing this compare to others OS in past.


Its Mostly looks like me using some android phone...which is full off pre installed Bloatware and we need some 3rd party app or some script to Fix,tweak this Beta like OS

That Defender & Cortana ( its skynet lol) is no use.. me sure no one use them.

Me not like,,, that microsft release some OS and like a mad fanboy we start using it ... i remember when Vista was released ,fanboys was praising  that too lolzz.. thought it was rejected by everyone a Failed OS...Good part is that they learn frm that mistake and created the best OS thats win 7 and than follow by ok ok OS thats win 8 which was without start..and again they learn mistakes in it & done some changes and than comes win 8.1.....Now in win 10 they done lot of mistakes..thats why still no final released... I think its like 1 os bad follow by good.. so as by that the next release of OS may be much better which will cover up all drawbacks of win 10 lol..And if Microsft keep making like these OS than me sure people will kick their butt and move to other OS..like wat u mention.


well , i will try my hand on enterprise/ltsc edition.... as those edition is without Bloatware compare to other edition of win 10 like Pro







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23 hours ago, FreeRyde said:

I don't want or need all the crap, so I install Enterprise N.



ok Freedy... i will also do that and than mee too will be like ur avatar ... relax and chill :D

P.s- but beware,.. cover ur cam or shutdown..as who knows this win 10  spy/take pics from installed webcam and than leak it on net..with some scandal or pop up some brides /dating pixs :D 


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9 minutes ago, truemate said:

ok Freedy... i will also do that

N versions are broken versions mandated by the EU.  There is far more removed than Windows Media Player. 

28 minutes ago, truemate said:

spying like what we surfing and than suddenly flashing those surf habits related stuff in form of pop up or anything else is an Issue.

This is what internet browsers  do.  You need to use adblocker software.

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1 hour ago, truemate said:



Insider preview ! Nope. i used the latest released only Windows 10 1903(18362.30) - (May 2019 Update)

and after the update it turn into Windows 10 1903(18362.113) 


your win 10 looking nice & clean like win7... what edition is that.. is it PRO



Yes, it is Pro. I mentioned insider build because of the "19H1" mentioned in your OP, and the fact that it's only updated to .113 when at the time of your post there had already been  .116 out. And now it's up to .145 ;)

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Hold on you say about spying and you think windows 7 does not do the same? Oh wait it does

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Why do you recommend enterprise N? Not even connection to an android phone works with N, wouldn’t install it again. 

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@truemate you think your windows 7 does not have spying as well? Seeing you do not want to use 10 because of that but use 7 when it has the same thing.

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