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how to make windows image that will boot on any motherboard


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i just want to create a post-installed windows 7 or 10 including all the software and games installed.

that can be clone to any hard disk and can boot on any motherboard whether intel or amd platform.

ofcourse on the first time it will install driver which i've experience using paragon p2p adjust

but i just want to create a manually created and no need to use paragon or any partition software.

plug and play in short. like what windows to go did. but this time using hard disk drive. thank you


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If you want to make sure it will run on any system then you need to add the Drivers Pack (https://drp.su/en) to the disk.  This is so it will have all the drivers it could possibly need available without internet access.  After you have added that and any programs you want then restart your system in Safe Mode.  Go into Device Manager and delete all the hardware devices from it.  Shutdown the system.  Use a boot cd/flash drive that has whatever software you are going to use to create your image with, such as a WinPE disk with Ghost. Create your image on and external device.  Use the same boot device to  apply the image to other computers.  Used this system for many years with XP and 7.

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Many thanks for these instructions @straycat19! I was wondering how to do that.

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This is what sysprep is for....


And in case google is broken at your place:




Main source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/


I have never been a fan of driverpacks, so many hopelessly outdated and broken drivers that you will spend time removing, easily if youre lucky, almost forensically if youre not


Drivers best sourced form the vendors pages, always....


If you are building multiples of the same exact PC, the add drivers as part of sysprep, otherwise install on a per PC basis, and make life easier


Some things are not meant to be done via blanket automated lazy processes, drivers are one of them...





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