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English Tenses in Spanish / Los Tiempos en Ingles


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(The app is written in Spanish and in English ! OFFLINE FULL VERSION!)
Times in English / Times in English / The key to English times is actually an easy way to understand and learn all the times in English: All Active & Passive Tenses (21) + Future in the Past ( 4)
The simplest explanation.
The fastest study
In the tables and in the schemes
It is especially useful for those who for years did not understand the English language times! It is a great guarantee that this topic is for you, from now on, easy and dear
The application is written in Russian, English and Spanish
Times in English (English tenses) - is the basis of English grammar
Developed (easy) a way to learn the times in English - the key to English times! The key to rapid teaching at all times in English! Fast and forever !!
Active, successful, fun, and easy examples to remember, explanation and exercises
Time markers - words - guides - tracks
The training exercises (the training tables) for the study of irregular verbs
The forms: To Be, To Have, To Do
Rule _s / _es
The order of the words in the sentence (to start talking!)
And many many texts, with training and exam functions
A table with the summary of the keys with the examples of the unfolding times - with collapsed words - guides and explanations
A Table with the summary of the times
Some audio exercises to memorize the keys
In the application, the keywords are highlighted and in the basic moments! Working with this application is very easy and convenient
A very simple and clearly explained material
It turned out to be a small book, but without anything else or invented
Understand the times in English - understand English grammar - get to learn to speak in English
In truth, everything is easily memorized!




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