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please translate this movie clip from german to english


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Hello everyone,


i need someone who speaks german to translate in english this movie clip, it's clip from film "the beautiful life" with Roberto Begnini where the german nazi soldier is talking to all jewish people present in the camp.


i would like to understand what he exactly said to them in this short clip.


it would be nice if someone could do me this favor.


here's the clip => https://www.mediafire.com/file/g1j4fzkm3ygbzh5/encoded.mp4/file

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Go watch this...  😉


(Edited this original reply cuz topic author corrected innocent typo.)

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Just now, IAmKing said:

First, you might want to edit the word 'juice', after doing that go watch this...  😉




Yeeh, i edited that few minutes back , lol

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I don't manage to open the youtube link.

Use the link option and put the youtube link there so i can open it in one click.

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1 minute ago, IAmKing said:

This better, funny scene lol



I can't open the link for some reason. Use the link option and put the youtube link there as i told youbso i can open it in one c l ic k .



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Yeah I thought I did that, but after refreshing, it was still in code box, so just edited, hopefully that works for you.


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Achtung, Ruhe!
Gibt es hier einen Italiener, der Deutsch spricht?
Alles herhören, ich sage das nur einmal.
Ihr seid nur aus einem einzigen Grund in dieses Lager transportiert worden -
Um zu arbeiten.
Jeder Versuch der Sabotage wird mit dem sofortigen Tode bestraft.
Die Hinrichtungen finden auf dem Hof durch Schüsse in den Rücken statt.
Ihr habt die Ehre, für unser großes deutsches Vaterland arbeiten zu dürfen und am Bau des Großdeutschen Reiches teilzunehmen.
Drei Grundregeln solltet ihr nie vergessen:
1. Versuche nicht zu fliehen.
2. Folge jedem Befehl ohne fragen.
3. Jeder Versuch eines Aufstandes wird mit dem Tod durch Erhängen bestraft.
Ist das klar?
Ihr solltet glücklich sein, hier arbeiten zu dürfen.
Es wird niemandem etwas geschehen, der die Vorschriften befolgt.
Gehorsamkeit ist alles.
Noch etwas:
Bei diesem Pfiff, alles raus auf den Hof, aber schnell!
Antreten in Zweierreihe!
Jeden Morgen ist Appell!
So, das wollte ich euch noch sagen.
Und hinten werdet ihr arbeiten.
Ihr werdet die Dimensionen des Lagers leicht begreifen.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator:

Attention, quiet!
Is there an Italian here who speaks German?
Listen up, I will only say this once.
You have been transported to this camp for one reason only.
To work.
Any attempt of sabotage will be punished by immediate death.
The executions take place on the yard by shots in the back.
You have the honour to work for our great German fatherland and to participate in the construction of the Greater German Reich.
You should never forget three basic rules:
1 Do not try to flee.
2. follow every order without question.
3. every attempt of an uprising will be punished by death by hanging.
Is that clear?
You should be happy to work here.
Nothing will happen to anyone who follows the rules.
Obedience is everything.
Something else:
With this whistle, everything out to the yard, but quickly!
Line up in a row of two!
Every morning there is an appeal!
Well, I wanted to tell you that.
And in the back you will work.
You will easily understand the dimensions of the camp.


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9 minutes ago, IAmKing said:

Yeah I thought I did that, but after refreshing, it was still in code box, so just edited, hopefully that works for you.



Thank you my friend. I forgot to check the clip in youtube, that was the first thing i should have done.

Yeah that scene was epic , it's without no doubt the funniest scene from this great movie.

Great performance from Roberto Begnini as well.

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One of the best and greatest movies I have watched. Even won the top awards for it.

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