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Abelssoft MovieCut 2019.5.1


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                                 Abelssoft MovieCut 2019.5.1
                                                        -  in Cooperation with CHIP.de




Abelssoft MovieCut is a video editing tool which contains most commonly used editing functions but which is still very easy to use.
If you have some TV records with a lot of annoying ads?
Just easy! You can use MovieCut to remove specific scenes (i.e. containing commercials).
Or maybe you have videos on your smartphone which were recorded the wrong way round?
MovieCut is able to tone it up and show it in the right way.

Do you have already tried to edit a video file?
Then you will immediately realize the difference to our MovieCut when you make your first video edition.
MovieCut almost supports the most frequently used video formats and provides additionally
a very good integrated video player which will accompany you through the edition process on MovieCut!

According to its simple handling and its exclusive design, you will quickly understand how MovieCut works.
While other tools provide their functions in many combo boxes and complicated menus,

MovieCut encapsulates its functions in intelligible pictures and buttons.

Abelssoft MovieCut uses a very intelligent background logic which reassembles immediately all made changes and visualizes it to the user within a few milliseconds!
So you will be able to check up all the changes on the fly before saving it to a file.
Furthermore, you can apply several filter functions (fade in, fade out, brightness and contrast) and see the result also on the fly.

As a further highlight in this version, we have provided a function which enables editing the audio track of a video file.
MovieCut allows you to replace the audio track with an existing MP3 file or even through a live recorded voice!

Abelssoft MovieCut is characterized by a combination of intelligent functions and an elegant Abelssoft-design and furthermore a very intuitive operating.
So don’t wait and let’s start your first video edition with MovieCut!


Key Features of Abelssoft MovieCut
Add video file to the program interface.
Play added video file within an internal player.
Player supporting through an intelligent timeline and a precise time cursor to show the current video position.
Navigate intuitively and easily through the video with mouse clicks or hotkeys.
Delete added video file from the program interface.
Select any part from the video trace with the mouse or with a very precise time editor and:
Trim (selected part will be trimmed and the user will see immediately the result).
Cut out (selected part will be kept and the user will see immediately the result).
Rotate the video in different directions
Fade in the begin of a video.
Fade out the end of a video.
Adjust the brightness of a video.
Adjust contrast of a video.
Get frames from the video at any position.
Track cursor position in real time when selecting.
Remove the audio trace (mute), change audio trace and set a self-record as an audio track.
Save result files locally.
Upload result files to YouTube.
Support service through the manual or through a direct contact to our developers.
Empty the program output folder after saving file.
Search updates manually or automatically.
Fast switching between supported languages.


Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7



German Promo + Download Page


Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode: /files/9854053/Abelssoft_MovieCut_2019.5.11_CHIP.de.zip.html



Site: https://pastebin.com
Sharecode: /ScC3CuSM


Software Version: v2019.5.11
License valid for a lifetime
No free updates
No Free Support
Can't be re-used if re-install
Personal Use only

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