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Clearing the *Event Viewer Logs*


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The Event Viewer can be found in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Administrative Tools



Following, it is the content of a batch file that Clears the Event Viewer

:: Set console.
:: /************************************************************************************/
echo off
mode con cols=78 lines=30
color 17
@echo off
FOR /F "tokens=1,2*" %%V IN ('bcdedit') DO SET adminTest=%%V
IF (%adminTest%)==(Access) goto noAdmin
for /F "tokens=*" %%G in ('wevtutil.exe el') DO (call :do_clear "%%G")
echo All Event Logs have been cleared!
goto theEnd
echo clearing %1
wevtutil.exe cl %1
goto :eof
echo Current user permissions to execute this .BAT file are inadequate.
echo This .BAT file must be run with administrative privileges.
echo Exit now, right click on this .BAT file, and select "Run as administrator".  
pause >nul

1) Copy the above.

2) Open Notepad.

3) Paste what you Copied.

4) Save as Clear Event Viewer Logs.


1) Running the Clear Event Viewer Logs.cmd file with Administrative Privileges  (i.e. Right-click on it and select "Run as administrator")


2) Rebooting your system

will result in a clean Event Viewer.

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any way how to check when was your last time pc was booted.. like in my absence do someone booted the pc

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Is it mandatory to reboot after these commands?

Tried in a VM (w7 x64) and the event viewer logs seemed empty right after running your .cmd file.

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14 hours ago, mp68terr said:

Is it mandatory to reboot after these commands?

Tried in a VM (w7 x64) and the event viewer logs seemed empty right after running your .cmd file.

Then, you know. ;)

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12 hours ago, teodz1984 said:

ccleaner takes a while to load esp with winapp lists.. 

Try winapp2ool by 



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