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10 Best Free SSL Checker For 2019, to Check for Certificate Installation and Vulnerabilities

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10 Best Free SSL Checker For 2019, to Check for Certificate Installation and Vulnerabilities

SSL Checker

SSL Checker helps you in troubleshooting the common SSL issues and the SSL endpoint vulnerabilities. With the SSL checker, just you need to submit the domain name or IP address along with the port number to analyze the configuration and security of the website.


These diagnostics tools help you in finding vulnerabilities in SSL Suites, Weak Ciphers, and protocols. SSL analyzer tools make sure that your SSL/TLS certificate is installed correctly and doesn’t give any error to users.


The SSL markets continue to grow, according to the new report, 80% of the web page that loads in Chrome and 70% of the page that loads in Android devices are with HTTPS.

10 Best Free SSL Checker

Here is the list of Ten best SSL analyzers that saves your hours of troubleshooting time and headaches.

SSL Labs

The SSL Labs powered by Qualys, with the tool you can check your website for certificate and configuration and your browser for SSL installation.


You can start the analysis by just entering the domain name or the Ip address of the target server, it runs an in-depth scan and provides you a detailed analysis report.

The report details the certificate installed, serial numbers, Certificate
Transparency, Revocation status, Signature algorithm, DNS CAA, certification path, ciphers, protocols, and Handshake Simulation.

SSL Security Test

The SSL Checker checker that focuses completely on security, it also checks for the complaince with PCI DSS requirements, HIPAA guidance, and NIST guidelines.


It also checks for the possible subdomains of the domain, chain, vulnerabilities like HEARTBLEED and POODLE OVER TLS.

Also, it do checks for standard Industry practices such as CAA, Support for TLSv1.3, Ciphers, HSTS and other standard practices.


The decoder.link powered by Namecheap is the best source for all your SSL related troubleshooting needs.


It contains an SSL Checker, SSL Converter, CSR Decoder, DCV checker, Certificate & key checker, the decoder.link is a single stop solution for all of your digital certificate needs.


Gives you a crystal clear report that Certificate Details, status, web server software used, Protocol Versions, Ciphers and Protocol Features.


It’s clean design and the rapid response are the advantages of this SSL Checker, by default it checks with port 443, but you can change it.

Certificate Analyzer

The Certificate Analyzer powered by Trustwave, all you need is just to enter the domain name and the port number and click on test my server.


It does a basic installation check and provides you the report about the certificate installed on the server.

Digicert SSL Checker

Digicert SSL Checker helps you in locating the problems with the installed SSL certificates and also checks for certificate status, Expiration, ciphers, and common vulnerabilities.


It’s a simple tool, if you want to check the installation with port 443 then just need to enter the domain name alone, if it is for the port number, then you need to provide the port number also like domain.com:8443.

AppSec SSL Analyzer

Like other SSL checkers, AppSec is not a web-based, you can download and launch the application from your computer.


It checks for the domain and/or IP address, tests vulnerabilities related to the encryption algorithms. The latest version is AppSec Labs SSL Analyzer version 2.0.


GocertsSSL, yet another simple SSL installation checker that checks for the
certificate chain, DNS and Certificate Common Name.


It also includes tools such as CSR decoder, Certificate decoder, and certificate key matcher. All you need is just to enter the domain name, port number and click on search.


With SSLShopper SSL Checker tool you can diagnose installation problems with the SSL installation and it helps you to make sure that certificate is correctly installed, valid and trusted.


It also tracks the server type and the IP address of the domain, along with the chain. To use the SSL Checker you just need to enter the server’s hostname.

Cheap SSL Checker

The Cheap SSL Checker is a simple SSL checker tool that verifies the SSL installation details such as common name, issuer, validity, server type, certificate chaining etc.


To run the scan simply you need to enter the IP address or the domain names.

OpenSSL & SSLyze

You can also use the following OpenSSL command to run a installation check

$ openssl s_client -showcerts -connect domain.com:443

SSLyze is the Fast and Complete SSL Scanner to find Misconfiguration in the servers configured with SSL.

sslyze –regular domain.com

Final Words

With SSL Checker you can diagnose all the issues related issues and ensure the certificate is installed correctly in the server.





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