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.Exe File Packer/Protector Tools


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Since there's someone who is looking for tool to protect his exe file, so I just made a thread to help others as well.

This tools can pack your exe files, just search on youtube for now of how to use them :) 

If I have a time, I'll update this thread.


MoleBoxPro v2.6.5 (2570) [Pre-Activated)



Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode: /files/9602873/MoleBoxPro_v2.6.5__2570_.rar.html


Themida v1.8.5.5 Full


Site: http://www.mediafire.com
Sharecode: /file/bn8lb33rm28rh17/Themida+v1.8.5.5+Full.rar


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VMProtect Ultimate v3.2.0 Build 976 (x86x64)


VMProtect protects code by executing it on a virtual machine with non-standard architecture that makes it extremely difficult to analyze and crack the software. Besides that, VMProtect generates and verifies serial numbers, limits free upgrades and much more.

VMProtect Features

Supported Files And Formats
VMProtect supports both 32 and 64-bits executable files, dynamically loaded libraries and drivers. This includes screensavers, Active-X components, BPL libraries and other files in PE-format. Protected files are run on almost any version of Windows, even old Windows 95! However, licensing feature requires at least Windows 2000.
VMProtect doesn’t support .NET executables.

Serial Numbers
The Ultimate edition of VMProtect allows to add serial numbers to the protected application with minimal efforts. The feature is supported by PayPro Global e-commerce provider, so you even don’t need to setup your own serial number generator (of course, you can do that if you really need).

Licensing feature allows to limit the period of free updates, set the time of life of serial number, prevent the code execution without serial numbers and much more. Any serial number can be blocked and newly protected files will not accept it.

User Interface
VMProtect features two modes of the user interface: simple and expert. Simple mode allows to easily pick functions for protection, adjust options and get the protected file with just a few mouse clicks.

Console Version
The Professional and Ultimate editions of VMProtect have a console version that supports command line parameters and can be used in automatic building process. It fully supports scripts, watermarks, serial numbers and all the other features of VMProtect.

Release Notes:-
[!] PE: Fixed an error that occurred in VMProtectIsValidImageCRC in protected driver
[!] Fixed an error that occurred during virtualization of XOR with relocations
[*] PE: Improved packing of sections with the TLS directory
[*] PE: Improved antidebug
[*] PE: The Taggant System has been removed
[*] Accelerated unpacking when the “Packing output file” option was used
[+] Added support of ELF format
[+] Added disassembling of AVX commands


OS : Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Language : Multilingual


Retail Licensed


Site: https://multifilemirror.com
Sharecode: /v02irj44fxnr


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1 hour ago, imaddamas said:

All links do not work:s


  1. no need to full quote = it's enough to write @ and immediately afterwards the username
  2. link will be fixed next minutes
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Harry DS Alsyundawy

Code Virtualizer, Themida/WinLicense x32/x64(Included License)


Transfer from : forum.exetools.com
Thanks : LuckyPatcher@exetools


Code Virtualizer
Code VirtualizerSDK (Activated)


Themida x32 / x64
Themida Order Manager (Activated)
ThemidaSDK (Activated)
Themida XBundler (Activated)


WinLicense x32 / x64
WinLicense DLL Control SDK (Activated)
WinlicenseSDK (Activated)
Winlicense XBundler (Activated)



Mirror Link



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Harry DS Alsyundawy

VMProtect Ultimate 3.3.1 Build 1076 Retail


VMProtect protects code by executing it on a virtual machine with non-standard architecture that makes it extremely difficult to analyze and crack the software. Besides that, VMProtect generates and verifies serial numbers, limits free upgrades and much more.

VMProtect Features

Supported Files And Formats
VMProtect supports both 32 and 64-bits executable files, dynamically loaded libraries and drivers. This includes screensavers, Active-X components, BPL libraries and other files in PE-format. Protected files are run on almost any version of Windows, even old Windows 95! However, licensing feature requires at least Windows 2000.
VMProtect doesn’t support .NET executables.

Serial Numbers
The Ultimate edition of VMProtect allows to add serial numbers to the protected application with minimal efforts. The feature is supported by PayPro Global e-commerce provider, so you even don’t need to setup your own serial number generator (of course, you can do that if you really need).

Licensing feature allows to limit the period of free updates, set the time of life of serial number, prevent the code execution without serial numbers and much more. Any serial number can be blocked and newly protected files will not accept it.

User Interface
VMProtect features two modes of the user interface: simple and expert. Simple mode allows to easily pick functions for protection, adjust options and get the protected file with just a few mouse clicks.

Console Version
The Professional and Ultimate editions of VMProtect have a console version that supports command line parameters and can be used in automatic building process. It fully supports scripts, watermarks, serial numbers and all the other features of VMProtect.

Features and VMProtect Ultimate:

  • Support for 32-bit and 64-bit executables, dll, drivers, ActiveX components, Screen Saver and other formats, PE
  • Protection of files in all versions of Windows, even Windows 95
  • You can add serial and trial versions of programs
  • You can add licenses to the program
  • Nice user interface and easy operation
  • A console version for use in Auto Bild
  • And …

Required system 
VMProtect Web License Manager requires PHP5 and MySQL, so it works on almost any standard Linux hosting.The installation process is straightforward and does not require any specific skills.

What's New

VMProtect 3.3

[+] PE: Added support of “Control Flow Guard”
[+] PE: Added support of PDB files for loading symbols
[+] Mach-O: Added support of OS X 10.13 and later
[+] ELF: Added support of statically linked libstdc++.so
[+] ELF: Added support of CentOS 5 and CentOS 6
[+] ELF: Added support of TLS segments
[+] ELF: Added support of HTTPS for VMProtectActivateLicense
[*] PE: Improved exception handling fo x64 applications
[*] PE: Improved detection of virtualization tools under the Hyper-V role
[*] PE: Improved demagling of MSVC symbols
[*] Mach-O: Improved exception handling
[*] Mach-O: Improved support of Objective-C
[*] ELF: Fixed a bug that occurred when the “Pack the Output File” option was used

OS : Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Language : Multilingual

Homepage : 



or 30 Mirrors


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Harry DS Alsyundawy

yes, already latest edition when i share

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Themida Multilingual (x86/x64)


Advanced Windows software protection system, developed for software developers who wish to protect their applications against advanced reverse engineering and software cracking. Designed for software developers who wish to protect their applications against advanced reverse engineering and software cracking.

These are the key features of Themida®:
• Anti-debugger techniques that detect/fool any kind of debugger
• Anti-memory dumpers techniques for any Ring3 and Ring0 dumpers
• Different encryption algorithms and keys in each protected application
• Anti-API scanners techniques that avoids reconstruction of original import table
• Automatic decompilation and scrambling techniques in target application
• Virtual Machine emulation in specific blocks of code
• Advanced Mutator engine
• SDK communication with protection layer
• Anti-disassember techniques for any static and interactive disassemblers
• Multiple polymorphic layers with more than 50.000 permutations
• Advanced API-Wrapping techniques
• Anti-monitors techniques against file and registry monitors
• Random garbage code insertion between real instructions
• Specialized protection threads
• Advanced Threads network communication
• Anti-Memory patching and CRC techniques in target application
• Metamorphic engine to scramble original instructions
• Advanced Entry point protection
• Dynamic encryption in target application
• Anti-tracing code insertion between real instructions
• Advanced Anti-breakpoint manager
• Real time protection in target application
• Compression of target application, resources and protection code
• Anti-“debugger hiders” techniques
• Full mutation in protection code to avoid pattern recognition
• Real-time simulation in target application
• Intelligent protection code insertion inside target application
• Random internal data relocation
• Possibility to customize dialogs in protected application
• Support of command line
• Many many more...

Understanding the risks:
When an application is being created, the Compiler will compile the application source code into several object files made of machine language code. Then the object files are linked together to create the final executable. In the same manner that the source code of an application is converted into machine code at compilation time, there are tools that can convert a compiled application into assembly language or a higher programming language. These tools are known as dissemblers and de-compilers.

An attacker can use a dissembler or de-compiler to study how a specific application works and what a specific routine does. When the attacker has a good knowledge of the target application, he can modify the compiled application to alter his behavior. For example, the attacker could bypass the routine that checks for the trial period in an application and make it run forever or even worse, cause the application to behave as if it was registered.

Software Protectors:
Software protectors where created to keep an attacker from directly inspecting or modifying a compiled application. A software protector is like a shield that keeps an application encrypted and protected against possible attacks. When a protected application is going to be run by the operating system, the software protector will first take control of the CPU and check for possible cracking tools (dissemblers or de-compilers) that may be running on the system. If everything is safe the software protector will proceed to decrypting the protected application and giving it the control of the CPU to be executed as normal.

The advantages of using a Software Protector are:
- Protect an application against piracy.
- Prevents attackers from studying how an application is implemented.
- Will not allow attackers to modify an application to change its behavior.

The weakness:
Since software protectors were born, many attackers have centered most of their efforts on attacking the software protectors themselves instead of the applications. Many tools have been developed that aid in the attacking of software protectors. These attacks often result in the attacker obtaining the original application that is decrypted and has the protection wrapper removed.

The revolutionary system:
With Themida® , we have centered in the main weakness that software protectors have thus providing a complete solution to overcome those problems. Themida® uses the SecureEngine® protection technology that, when running in the highest priority level, implements never seen before protection techniques to protect applications against advanced software cracking.

Current protectors claim the best:
Software protection programming is not a very well known field for most programmers. Software protection techniques are not like "visible" features that can be seen and compared. Because of this most software protection authors could talk about impressive techniques that are included deep inside the protection scheme, when many times most of these techniques hardly exist or they are much simpler than what they seem.

Most software protectors reiterate a lot about using very strong cryptographic algorithms like RSA, Elliptic curves and AES hoping that the final user will believe that those protectors and the cryptic algorithms are unbreakable. This if far from the truth as software protection is very different from data protection. Even if a software protector encrypts the protected application with the most robust cryptographic algorithm, sooner or later the protected application needs to be decrypted in order to be run by the CPU. It is in this phase when most attackers will start their work by dumping the decrypted application from memory to disk thus not having to deal with the cryptographic algorithm and reconstructing of the original application.




Site: https://mir.cr
Sharecode: /0J1RRUQA

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Enigma Virtual Box unpacker 0.55



Site: https://www.mirrored.to
Sharecode: /files/1PVUKIXZ/EnigmaVBUnpacker_v0.55.zip_links


demoleition VS v0.01




This is first BETA release of static unpacker for Molebox v4.x. It works for most of the files in my collection but is not well tested by any means. If you notice any bugs (trust me, you will!), please let me know.

Known limitations: way too many. Few most important ones:

    Error checking is very limited. If something bad happens, it will most likely crash.
    Main file is saved as _unpacked.bin. Overlay (if present) is saved as overlay.bin.
    The biggest problem is the "hide files" feature of MoleboxVS. It does not store original filename, just the MD5 hash of it. So, in those cases it's almost impossible to restore original filenames. I added big fat warning for those cases.
    Loading large files will make the UI freeze. I'll fix it after the bugs in unpacker itself are fixed.

So, why release it? I've had it like this for 5+ years now. It almost works. But without your feedback it will stay in this "almost working" state forever. The more bugs you report, the bigger the chance that I'll finally finish this project..



Site: https://www.mirrored.to
Sharecode: /files/1ZXQTN86/demoleitionVS-v0.01.zip_links

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1 hour ago, Togijak said:

Enigma Virtual Box unpacker 0.55



Site: https://www.mirrored.to
Sharecode: /files/1PVUKIXZ/EnigmaVBUnpacker_v0.55.zip_links


demoleition VS v0.01




This is first BETA release of static unpacker for Molebox v4.x. It works for most of the files in my collection but is not well tested by any means. If you notice any bugs (trust me, you will!), please let me know.

Known limitations: way too many. Few most important ones:

    Error checking is very limited. If something bad happens, it will most likely crash.
    Main file is saved as _unpacked.bin. Overlay (if present) is saved as overlay.bin.
    The biggest problem is the "hide files" feature of MoleboxVS. It does not store original filename, just the MD5 hash of it. So, in those cases it's almost impossible to restore original filenames. I added big fat warning for those cases.
    Loading large files will make the UI freeze. I'll fix it after the bugs in unpacker itself are fixed.

So, why release it? I've had it like this for 5+ years now. It almost works. But without your feedback it will stay in this "almost working" state forever. The more bugs you report, the bigger the chance that I'll finally finish this project..



Site: https://www.mirrored.to
Sharecode: /files/1ZXQTN86/demoleitionVS-v0.01.zip_links


Bro do you have an idea how to unpack Enigma Protector 3.7? 
I tried the Olly script but it's not working on the exe game that I want to unpack.

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