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[EXPIRED]ShieldApps Webcam Blocker 1.3.4


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A simple and practical solution to block and protect your webcam and microphone from any external breaches or attempts on your privacy!

Do You Think Putting a Sticky Tape Over Your Webcam is Enough? Well, IT IS NOT! ShieldApps Webcam Blocker is a cyber-privacy software designed to protect your computer’s webcam and microphone from hacking attempts and any internal or external breach. ShieldApps Webcam Blocker equips you with a highly sophisticated security software that utilizes advanced privacy enhancement algorithms – packaged in a simple interface that allows a single-click protection. ShieldApps Webcam Blocker equips standard webcams with advanced privacy protection mechanisms, allowing you to Digitally Block any attempt of hacking your camera by hackers, tracking companies, and other malicious 3rd parties.




Giveaway: link







License key: 56371-57FA7-DB4DD-FB040

Note: Make sure to read the directions below to learn how to use this!


Download: SharewareOnSale_Giveaway_ShieldApps_Webcam_Blocker_hub.exe


The download link for ShieldApps Webcam Blocker is provided to you above. Your license key for ShieldApps Webcam Blocker is also given above. Download and install ShieldApps Webcam Blocker. (You may need to install ShieldApps Webcam Blocker as admin.) After install, run ShieldApps Webcam Blocker and register it with your license key. You will be asked to register it the first time you run it. Enjoy!



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