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On 2/8/2019 at 10:00 AM, Matt said:


We the Admins/ Staff would like to appreciate the donors whom have given all of us in nsaneforums another chance to keep us accessing these lovely forums, and made us getting a new, fast, and strong servers. 


Admins/Staff have decided to create a new group name is "Donor". This group will be given ViP access and more. If you are already a ViP or Veteran and would like to change to this group, please PM an Admin to get it done. 


Furthermore, We have decided to do some changing around here for accessing ViP or Veteran ranks content count. Also, a new rank will be added to who have been giving their time and more to help others, and keeping nsane.forums/ nsane.down up to date. This new rank will be promoted only by Admins, and the new rank is Elite.


All respect and appreciation to all who have given anything to nsane.forums / nsane.down.


This will be applied on March 1st 2019. Moreover, some rules may apply to be promoted to the Donor or Elite groups. 


Some guys post stuff there they don't like anyone "not trusted" (low post or new members) to see.

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On 2/8/2019 at 3:00 PM, Matt said:

Also, a new rank will be added to who have been giving their time and more to help others, and keeping nsane.forums/ nsane.down up to date.


Truly appreciate this.


On 2/8/2019 at 3:00 PM, Matt said:

We have decided to do some changing around here for accessing ViP or Veteran ranks content count.


Few acquired Veteran membership status here only asking favors from others (especially in software update section) rather than sharing or contributing. These post spammers would be lucky then.

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9 hours ago, dickmaster said:

Some guys post stuff there they don't like anyone "not trusted" (low post or new members) to see.


I didn't get it clearly, but you can say I instead some guys because I don't see any guys but you whois mentioning this. Also, the not trusted members you mentioned who have been given you a chance to post your stuff, and a chance to use others stuff. 


Most of the people who have been donated are ViP, Veteran, and very old members who doesn't like to see the forums down for any reasons unlike some people, so I don't understand why you call them "not trusted". Also, I don't understand why you are posting there if you don't trust them.  


Moreover, the low post doesn't always mean that the member can't be trusted because you have some ViP and Veteran with high posts, yet mostly useless. Post count has never been fair or a stander to tell whois trusted or whois not. There are a lot of great members who have low post count, but all of their posts are useful.  


You came here to reply to the post because someone sent you to do that, and you've not read the post yet. There are rules will be applied to become in the donor group. 

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9 hours ago, Matt said:


I didn't get it clearly, but you can say I instead some guys because I don't see any guys but you whois mentioning this. Also, the not trusted members you mentioned who have been given you a chance to post your stuff, and a chance to use others stuff. 


Most of the people who have been donated are ViP, Veteran, and very old members who doesn't like to see the forums down for any reasons unlike some people, so I don't understand why you call them "not trusted". Also, I don't understand why you are posting there if you don't trust them.  


Moreover, the low post doesn't always mean that the member can't be trusted because you have some ViP and Veteran with high posts, yet mostly useless. Post count has never been fair or a stander to tell whois trusted or whois not. There are a lot of great members who have low post count, but all of their posts are useful.  


You came here to reply to the post because someone sent you to do that, and you've not read the post yet. There are rules will be applied to become in the donor group. 


I hear you, you guys can do what you like it's not up to me.


I was tipsed by a member of this topic yes. But it was not the member who made me come over here or told me what to say i whould never do what. 


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5 hours ago, dickmaster said:


I hear you, you guys can do what you like it's not up to me.


I was tipsed by a member of this topic yes. But it was not the member who made me come over here or told me what to say i whould never do what. 



You can always go to the donations topic. and see by yourself who is giving the donations.



Also, I can give you many good examples like @BioHazard he has donated 3 times, @Karlston has donated twice, and @hpwamr has donated twice. There are more examples if you go visit the topic and read before that member just tipsed you by the topic. Just an advice don't let him tipsed you by his problems and lies. 

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Hello @Matt,  because you mentioned my name, here are some words and some explanations.

Well, as an old member, I donated (I think) five times. Each time, the goal was to maintain our NsaneForums Online and pay for servers and providers ... 🤔
I think the first time was in 2008, at the request of the administrator "snane" himself. As a "bonus" for my donation, I received from himself the title of "Donator" and a status "VIP"!  

PS: I had not asked for anything and "as a donor I've appreciated being rewarded although seeing the forum continue existing and benefiting from the services it offered was probably enough for me"

(partial citation from "tiliarou" who says it better than me)😉

Then I made a donation at the request of the administrator "Lite" and also at the request of the administrator "shought".

Indeed this time, at your request, I made a donation 2 times to help you ("as far as possible") in the maintenance and the upgrade of your servers. 😉
Long live the "forums NSANE !!!   😃
Thank you Matt for your dedication ...  👍 😊

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On 2/10/2019 at 8:00 AM, puppychow said:


You'd probably get more out of what someone like me has to say if you looked at the words I wrote and didn't worry quite as much about taking the time to look up when someone did or didn't post. You're not that shallow, are you?


Again, you wish to frame what's being discussed here as 'thanking' people. Sorry, but that's not what it is. You're inviting people to purchase levels of status here at Nsane. One of reasonable intelligence would likely conclude that would make any 'status' here kind of worthless, since it could be bought just like a hamburger at a McDonald's :)  Sounds like what you really want to do is make Nsane a pay site altogether.  When some posters above ask questions about what they'll be getting for their 'donations', they're implicitly admitting that what I say is true.... they want to know what their getting for the status they paid for.  Who knows, maybe a better topic for discussion might be to examine why Nsane is having such difficulty with its operating costs when the site managed to survive for so long without developing paywalls within the site.


As for your comment about my posting, fact is after the business with the Microsoft licensing thread that was closed off to people who didn't have enough posts for you (mentioned by me here above...) I didn't return much to Nsane, and therefore had nothing to say.  To be honest, I found the policy repulsive and didn't want to be around it. I came by now because an old friend here sent me an email about how it was getting worse here with this new stuff, and I dropped by to see for myself. Got a problem with that?  If yes, so be it. If you're going to build walls around areas of the site, doesn't surprise me that you'd want to stifle free speech and opinions while you're at it.


Finally, what you describe regarding admin authority ("...have all rights to do anything in their own forums". "...no one would be eligible to disagree")  is not a description of a mod on an internet thread, It's a thesis on dictatorship. So much for the freedom of thought and software that once was Nsane! 


Since you are the one who has too much expresses, and you sounded the one who knows everything. What you said none of it is right because it's based on your assuming and an email you received.


Sad to tell you that you came up with none fact theory because you replied to Mod not to whom who created this topic. I'm sorry to tell that most of the people who have donated have already their status as ViP and Veteran. No one forced them to donate. Repeating donations here never been a require from anyone, yet those members surprising all of us with their kindness unlike the old friend who sent you that email out of the blue just to wake you up to reply to this topic. 


Having you replying in here is worthless because those ViP and Veteran members who have donated worked so hard for their time they have spent here to have this status. This is why they deserve to be thanked in different way. 


I forgot to tell you good morning since you just wake up. We have already created a topic years ago since the forums doesn't make any money from adv anymore because of adv blocking, and we have another topic teaching how to white list Nsane in order we can make more money from it. Not all of the members have listened. This is not the fisrt time or last time some many members have donated to Nsane. 


The Microsoft topic you mentioned and the people who are taking care of it, and I have already explained to you why they have those rules. When @DR_ADHAM spend many times him and his team just to help other members to activate their products from Windows and Office for free they don't have the tools to tell if it's the same member whois trying to take their hard work to be spent on someone who has multi accounts. Also they aren't asking the members to have hundreds nor thousands of post counts. As I mentioned above in my reply to you that you aren't aware of nothing how forums are managed, so your unreal, unnecessary, and disrespectful reply to the people of this community because of old friend email.   


On 2/10/2019 at 8:27 AM, puppychow said:


Your brief response actually tells me quite a lot. One thing is for sure Jordan, given how much Nsane was down over the past year or so, combined with the financial difficulties you and other mods have mentioned in posts here, if you "already have many helpful guys" I guess what you think is 'helpful' hasn't been working out for you too well, has it?   Maybe time to listen to some other opinions instead of childishly calling them 'complaints'.


Good luck!


Finally your replied shows everyone how you are nothing but a follower to an old friend just wanted you to reply over a topic made to thank some great people who is making this community running, and unlike you and your old friends the staff and the members you mentioned are and have been very helpful. You had your warning in 2014 because of disrespecting others and inappropriate language you have been using. 


My advice to you is to go to sleep back, go read all the topics, threads, and comments since 2014. invite old friends go to McDonald's spend your 2 pennies, or buy your own Microsoft license since the thread here is bothering you too much instead disrespecting others. 

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This thread has dropped many fake faces we have in this community. I should've opened it long time ago, so other members can see the real faces. 

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@puppychow if you have been around the scene for so long you know that some of the services offered by nsane members are way beyond the regular warez blog/forum. I'm referring in particular to the ms/office/eset personal activation by remote desktop, which I've never seen in any community yet for the simple reason that's it's time consuming and risky.

For this only I find justified to give access to some parts of the forum only to certain ranks and recognised members (which I'm not part of). This is a common rule (that doesn't make it a valid reason) but it's also common sense and a safe approach: you don't give access to sensitive or exclusive cracks or serial to random people. You don't give specific activation services to the 1st random idiot that didn't read the rules.


I can already tell you I didn't read the entirety of your posts, only part of it, but I still fail to undertand why it is such a problem to you.

Although I agree that some mods tend to blame members for contradictory opinion, and although I agree that a mod doesn't represent the absolute authority and true word all the time, this is not the topic to discuss it.


As a donor I appreciate being rewarded although seeing the forum continuous existence and benefiting from the services offered would probably be enough to me.

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I would like to mention that ViP and Veterans are more of an honor than a feature. It's an honor of hard work and contribution. It's an symbol of respect. Some might also feel that some members have not deserved it, for which we have made some changes and are going to make even further changes to prevent spammers from becoming one.


Donators, by donating, have not only served the sites it's needs, but have earned similar respect. Their donations have made possible for contributors to provide help and those who need help to get it. It is nothing but much deserved respect that donators deserve here.


ViPs and Veterans are not given some extra ordinary access for which any member might feel they need to buy their way into it. At the the same time, it's a small reward that we feel Donators should receive due their important contribution.


If members have any suggestions for us to make any changes to the methods, then they are free to do so, provided they are constructive here.

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On 2/9/2019 at 2:47 PM, Karlston said:

I don't think the intention is about segregation, more about recognition.


Life is full of analogies, compare children in the first year of school with those in later years. New employees starting low on the company ladder. Then there's age, etc...


That said, I'd prefer if the "Donor" label is shown as an addition somehow, not a replacement for the existing groups. Perhaps an image (optionally) superimposed on the user's avatar? For example, because I donate monthly, the following is superimposed on my AskWoody.com avatar...




I agree with @Karlston opinion, and think is a great idea.


Perhaps an image (optionally) superimposed on the user's avatar?

Yes, the Elite rank have been past due for many years. This "master" members, as I may called them, deserve this title, for their time, dedication and willing to help others.

Kudos to all of them.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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On 3/6/2019 at 11:39 AM, zinoswink said:

Any current news regarding possibility of Donors Group?


I decided to postpone to this till the April 1st. I am a little busy with a situation I told you about. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My humble donation: 07365139TV010271E


Regards and many thanks by the hard work... 😉

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/8/2019 at 12:05 PM, Matt said:

April 1st

Happy April Fool


On 3/8/2019 at 12:05 PM, Matt said:

I decided to postpone to this


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20 hours ago, pacyh said:

Happy April Fool


I am waiting on the developer of the application to release something he is working on in order to get this done. I haven't heard from him yet.

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5 hours ago, pacyh said:



Was made years ago and never utilized due to various reason. Does not mean we will never use it though.

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@Matt what happened with the donor group? Has it been enabled? I'm not seeing it on my profile

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2 hours ago, sanjoa said:

@Matt what happened with the donor group? Has it been enabled? I'm not seeing it on my profile



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3 hours ago, pacyh said:


I appreciated your work and dedication to this community, but there are 5 Admins here, what happened to others, Just a suggestion, dividing the work with other administrators, so you can take rest and get more free time.


This is none of your business. Moreover, don't bring other discussions from different topics, and bring them to other topics. You are welcome to use the forums, and other members help. You had better not to get yourself involve with other things, and don't try to be part of them. Thank you for your understanding, and don't reply me.   

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