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Coolmuster Android Eraser (12 months free license)


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Coolmuster Android Eraser
Securely Delete Data from Android Devices Beyond Recovery


Do you have a growing stack of Android devices that you just won’t resell or donate because of all of your personal information that’s stored on them? Do you not trust yourself to manually delete every trace of your personal data and not miss a thing? Well, you need to hear about today’s discount software promotion, Coolmuster Android Eraser!

Coolmuster Android Eraser safeguards your privacy by erasing all personal information from Android devices beyond any possibility of recovery. With Coolmuster Android Eraser, you’ll be able to resell or donate your Android device confident that all of your info has been erased. You even get to pick from three levels of deletion based on how critical your data is – up to a security standard based on Department of Defense specifications!

Going beyond what you can do with general deletion, Coolmuster Android Eraser provides a Deep Scan that wipes your data permanently. Best of all, it will completely annihilate both existing files as well as ones that you have already deleted but were recoverable. Contacts, text messages, call history, media, login credentials, and more – all wiped out!

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