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Best prog to encrypt a drive ?


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Hi all !


After having tried many progs, I still cannot make my choise...
I have to travel with my PC and i'm worrying about losing it.
I don't want the (presumed) thief to access my drive/files.

I know I can put a password, to prevent booting my OS, but how can I protect my harddisk itself ?


Some progs encrypt the HD but when you uninstall thoses progs, the HD returns to be unencrypted. And you just have to put it on another system to access it. :(


So, in your opinion, which is the best prog the encrypt a drive permanently, if you don't provide the right password, independently of the prog which did the job ?


Thank you for reading, and advices :)

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The best is Veracrypt, its free and open source, and based on Truecrypt.

There are others like Safe-Encrypted File System. Boxcryptor, Ciphershed (another Truecrypt Fork) & Cryptomator.

You can try these for some time to see which one suits your need better.

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Another vote for Veracrypt, if you go the software route. I've used it for a very long time (back when it was Truecrypt). Veracrypt can encrypt the entire system HD if you want, so it cannot even be booted without supplying the password.


If you want additional security you can also use 2FA, with, say, a USB key plus passphrase.


Depending on your threat level (and available funds) though, there are such options as hardware encrypted HDs. Theoretically, those should be faster than using a software solution and are available with FIPS-level compliance.


There's also the much simpler option of just keeping your files themselves on an encrypted USB key, which lives in your pocket or around your neck on a chain when not in use. If a thief steals your laptop, you still have the files in that case. Again, you can use Veracrypt on the key, or buy a hardware encrypted key. Make sure to buy a recent one though; some older models were found to have vulnerabilities.

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