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PeerBlock 1.0+ (r202) Beta


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<img src="http://nsanedown.com/images/logos/PeerBlock.png" class="logo" alt="PeerBlock" title="PeerBlock" />PeerBlock lets you control who your computer "talks to" on the Internet. By selecting appropriate lists of "known bad" computers, you can block communication with advertising or spyware oriented servers, computers monitoring your p2p activities, computers which have been "hacked", even entire countries! They can't get in to your computer, and your computer won't try to send them anything either. PeerBlock currently supports Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, and 7 in 32-bit and 64-bit.

Note: New addition to our listings.

<a href="http://www.nsanedown.com/?request=34602678" target="_blank">Download</a>

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I was gonna try this now but I saw that it's Beta. I saw the changelog and found that there are many reason that wont make me use the Beta.

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I know it's very early in development but I'm going to check this out. Peerguardian's junk. I stopped using it ages ago because it crashed constantly and was never getting updated to fix it.

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@DKT27 I'm a moderator on PeerBlocks forums.


And wanted to let you know PeerBlock has come a long ways in just a few months. I would not think twice about using the beta. There has been a whole lot of improvements and fixes done. I've been a tester sense the very beginning and this PeerBlock is a solid and stable software. Hope you will check it out I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

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I was using the previous beta of PB and it was great and now it's even better. Don't be afraid of their betas. They are very stable and FANTASTICLY better than PG was (at least on x64 systems). Now the system tray icon turns yellow when HTTP is not being blocked. Cool. And the app notifies you when there are updates available, including beta updates.

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Good to know RoboParty. :)

Well I'm usin PeerBlock stable version for torrents. And it crashes everyday. I like it but I'm troubled by crashes. If you say beta is good, I'm gonna try it soon. :)

I'm downloadin now and will post a review on Beta tomorrow on 30Oct Friday. My game's gonna released tomorrow and will see how PeerBlock works when I'll download it. ;)

BTW how can I report crashes to PeerBlock?

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Good to know RoboParty. :)

Well I'm usin PeerBlock stable version for torrents. And it crashes everyday. I like it but I'm troubled by crashes. If you say beta is good, I'm gonna try it soon. :)

I'm downloadin now and will post a review on Beta tomorrow on 30Oct Friday. My game's gonna released tomorrow and will see how PeerBlock works when I'll download it. ;)

BTW how can I report crashes to PeerBlock?

Check the download page for instructions on how to report issues. They said anyway you want including email but I think there may be a link in the app. Not sure about that though.

Newest beta hasn't crashed yet for me on W7 x64. On 7 when things crash, they usually don't crash the whole system, the app just closes and restarts.

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OK. Installin beta and I think I will use it now, even for surfin and lets see.

ANW good to know about 7. :)

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OK. I'll. Well no crashes so far. As I haven't downloaded any torrent yet. Well I have disabled HTTP. Can you clarify it. Does HTTP also block bad connections in torrents? Or is it just for normal internet usage. What I don't like when I kept HTTP on, McAfee SiteAdvisor was bein blocked. SiteAdvisor is not bad.

ANW as you recommended, I'm registerin on the forums. ;)

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Same here. That said, you can customize your blocklists and allow sites that are on the block list but you know are safe. I have allowed lots of sites that are on the block list but I need to frequently access. But generally, I only block http while torrenting.

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I am not currently using this since I am on XP SP3 still.. but did this update like today or was it just finally posted? I have it in archive for use.. but I am not going to install it until its necessary...but would still like to be up to date on the version..

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This Beta is updated today or yesterday.

It's workin great here on XP SP3 without any crashes.

If you wanna block peers, use this one.

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This Beta is updated today or yesterday.

It's workin great here on XP SP3 without any crashes.

If you wanna block peers, use this one.

I got the notification @ 2AM (GMT+6) that there was a new update.

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This Beta is updated today or yesterday.

It's workin great here on XP SP3 without any crashes.

If you wanna block peers, use this one.

Glad to hear DKT27. And thanks for the post Patrick744.

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Are iblocklist.com working ? Since today they had some maintanance and PeerBlock was pretty useless for me since I've installed it 1st time today :)

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What is this level two protection. By default, PeerBlock only downloads Level1 but today I downloaded level two update. I wanna know what it offers.

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Can you quote it here on this post.

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Well I would if I could remember where to find it...give me a minute and I will edit this post to reflect.. I think I just remembered..

It updates its blocklists according to how you set it.. or you can do it manually as per usual..and I recommend these list in either program..HTTP will block online access to places in the list through HTTP protocol as well .. using TCP, ICMP, IGMP, and UDP ( I think ) in normal mode..

1. Government = http://peerguardian.sourceforge.net/lists/gov.php

2. iBlocklist - Level 1 = http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_level1

3. iBlocklist - Level 2 = http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_level2

4. iBlocklist - Level 3 = http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_level3

5. iBlocklist - Education = http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_edu

6. iBlocklist - Ads = http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_ads

7. iBlocklist - Spyware = http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_spyware

8. iBlocklist - Nexus23 = http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=nxs23_ipfilterx

I have four more that are useful.. with the remaining additional four being from the original installation of PG2..but they are not in use .. only the ones that I have listed above are the ones that I actively update and have turned on..

EDIT: Found it.. farther back then I thought..

Okay yeah its completely gone..all of the info I posted..so I feel like you are making me do menial tasks.. but I will do the search for you and quote the site here..BRB

Okay this link will guide you directly to iBlocklist which will in turn give you links to the original location.. and will describe each one in detail..

Link: http://www.iblocklist.com/lists.php

Above format does wonders in you have the Linkification extension in FF..no redirect or waiting..:thumbsup:

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Well I would if I could remember where to find it...give me a minute and I will edit this post to reflect.. I think I just remembered..

It updates its blocklists according to how you set it.. or you can do it manually as per usual..and I recommend these list in either program..HTTP will block online access to places in the list through HTTP protocol as well .. using TCP, ICMP, IGMP, and UDP ( I think ) in normal mode..

1. Government = http://peerguardian.sourceforge.net/lists/gov.php

2. iBlocklist - Level 1 = http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_level1

3. iBlocklist - Level 2 = http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_level2

4. iBlocklist - Level 3 = http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_level3

5. iBlocklist - Education = http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_edu

6. iBlocklist - Ads = http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_ads

7. iBlocklist - Spyware = http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=bt_spyware

8. iBlocklist - Nexus23 = http://list.iblocklist.com/?list=nxs23_ipfilterx

I have four more that are useful.. with the remaining additional four being from the original installation of PG2..but they are not in use .. only the ones that I have listed above are the ones that I actively update and have turned on..

EDIT: Found it.. farther back then I thought..

Okay yeah its completely gone..all of the info I posted..so I feel like you are making me do menial tasks.. but I will do the search for you and quote the site here..BRB

Okay this link will guide you directly to iBlocklist which will in turn give you links to the original location.. and will describe each one in detail..

Link: http://www.iblocklist.com/lists.php

Above format does wonders in you have the Linkification extension in FF..no redirect or waiting..:thumbsup:

I also like the iana reserved list and the bogon list. Can't hurt to exclude those and you would amazed at how many of those sites are hitting me all the time.

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