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Windows 10 RDP + Audio problem


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This is probably not the right forum to ask, but who knows, maybe some audio fanatic is reading this... 🎵
I have a powerful workstation that I just have for audio composing, now I work with my laptop remote on the workstation, right now I am using RDP, which is giving me a delay with the audio (I was told this is because of the network and latency problems).
Now I am trying to find a solution for this, so either settings with RDP that can improve the audio throughput or some other remote control software that is better for audio.

Perhaps someone already experienced this, maybe someone who was trying to use their main gaming system and game on it remotely or something similar, I guess that would give the same audio issues.

Thanks for your input! 👍

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You could try this and see if it helps:


Are you running "mstsc.exe" RDP, rather than the store app version? If so, can you please try editing the connection settings to disable access to all local resources (i.e. no clipboard, printer, audio sharing). Be sure to check the "more" button to make sure that no drives are shared. Also reduce the performance (under the experience tab) to "low-speed broadband".

This should make sure that there isn't anything weird going on in the background, which sometimes happens when resources are shared (newly shared drives undergoing a remote AV scan, etc...).



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Realtime audio is critical and therefore prone to latency issues and especially Windows 10 is showing real issues here. I don't think it's a good idea to make music via remote desktop at all. I am sure ASIO does not work over RDP, and if, it still will cause you troubles. I am almost 100% sure it will make use of the RDP audio driver and this alone will already kill all the benefit that ASIO provides. I am saying this without lots of experience in remote desktop use, but with 30 years of experience with DAWs, audio and latency issues.

Have you tried TightVNC instead? Some say this works to their satisfaction. Whatever this means.

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