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Hi, i was wondering what language should i learn and is there a e-book for it ? I was thinking PHP but i have no idea if i should know any other language ( i only know HTML - you can stop laughing now ;) - ). So is there an e-book for PHP and MySQL ? If i should learn another language or you suggest another one for me please post.

Thank you :frusty:

P.S: E-books are legal right ? so requesting one is allowed... ( i know the illegal e-books are when some one gives a link to a copyrighted e-book... im asking for a free one )

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yeah, php would be a good language to start with, fairly simple scripting language (tho, it can be used in advanced ways). plus their documentaion is available online so finding how to do something isn't very hard (most functions, globals and stuff have user comments with even more examples aswell) ;)


try reading the introduction, tho you can ignore the install parts (doubt you'll be needing to do it anyways...most hosts come with it already) :frusty:

and no, there's plenty of free ebooks out there, aslong as you don't specificly ask for copyrighted work it's cool :x

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P.S: E-books are legal right ? so requesting one is allowed... ( i know the illegal e-books are when some one gives a link to a copyrighted e-book... im asking for a free one )

if you are in the usa the dmca allows for (its yearly or every two years) items to be exempt of the dmca and copyright. ebooks is one of them. it is legal to make, hack and use hack ebooks. the reason is disability act. when ebooks came out the companies got greedy and made it for only their system and toy. now you are allowed to use any ebook file on any other system or none of the systems.

you are still require to pay for copyright ebook files though. this still causes a grey area. for a blind person cant read. therefor if that blind person paid for a paper book he could get the ebook version without paying. though he still couldnt share the file in uploading it.

to find ebooks try certain newsgroup rooms.

now google was trying to digital all the old books but evil greedy publishers where against it. lets face it a, book that hasnt been in print for over 10 years should be legal to digital. but the publisher fear that they will lose future digital rights. remember the dmca make digital copyright last forever unlike the illegal micky mouse 75 years crap.

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The link that you gave me nsane , it's from the php main site right ? i read it befor. The problem is that it tells you for exemple for the " if " to read the first couple of pages of an e-books and gives u links to buy them..

Any one has e-books ?

Thank you all :P

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