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Happy New Year


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Every end marks a new beginning. 


We the staff wishing you a happy new year for all members and visitors. 


In 2018 we had the most difficult problems, and we have been working on it as it is clearly for everyone now how it was and how it became. Now we are one of the fastest forums. We faced many problems with uptime with the old servers, but now we are having the most powerful servers. Also, we have more problems that we still working on it, and with time it will be running again. Full HTTPS support has been activated on both nsane.forums and nsane.down. Furthermore, we changed the forums themes and added a dark one.


We have been trying our best to get the most stability and security for our members and visitors, yet this wouldn't happen without the generosity and kindness from the donors. From all the staff, members, and visitors we would like to thank you. Donations will be always open to whom who would like to see this community a live. Moreover, we would like to thank the members who are always updating us with latest software updates, news, and their personal supports to other members. This is why nsane will live forever because of the great people who are always working together in order to come to visit this forum, and see it running.


In this new year we will do more to this community in order to achieve everything we desire. Knowing each other has been a master class in true friendships. 



Happy New Year Ya'll. 



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The AchieVer



What a growth you achieved
You deserve every bit of it
May you do good again
Happy New Year!



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Happy New Year Matt, to you and all the staff at Nsane. You are all appreciated and I thank you all for the great site that you have created for us.  I hope all your dreams and ambitions are realized in 2019 and that Nsane goes from strength to strength.  Feliz Año Nuevo and Viva Nsane !!!😀😀😀

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little messages from putin Happy New Year to u all and hope for less problems in 2019


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Happy New Year 2019 to all you NSANE people.



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