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Chrooma Live Wallpaper (Android)


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- Background changes every time you come back to main menu, or in a interval of time.
- Unlimited combinations of colors.
- 12 different shapes.
- Smooth 60fps animation.
- Parallax Effect like iOS 7/8. (Still in beta, but working perfectly!)
- Support Action Launcher 3.
- Customizable animations.
- Battery save mode with lower dpi textures and lower fps. (Usefull on older devices)

Perfect with the new Android Marshmallow material design style!

Gorgeous palettes moving smoothly on your background.

Palettes will change every time you come back to your main menu.

The main difference with the others live background is that this one will never bother you with a lot of animations that drain your battery in 5 minutes, that's the beauty of minimal.

It goes perfectly with the Lollipop devices and refresh the style of the older ones!


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