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Giveaway: Audials Radiotracker 2018 Premium [for PC]


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Internet Radio Recorder with 100,000 Radios Legally Conjures Up a Lot of Free MP3s on the Hard Drive

Audials Radiotracker 2018 Premium

Listen to and Record Radios
There are over 100,000 international, national and even regional internet radios from 120 music categories to choose from, listen to and record.

Get Tons of Music as MP3
Simply select a music genre and Audials Radiotracker Premium fills the hard drive with music for free! But it can also be recorded radio plays with a timer.

Many Extras for Free
Music TV and the largest podcast database included in a Windows software bring additional entertainment. Audials Radiotracker Premium records automatically, cuts out the songs from the streams, normalizes the volume of the piece of music, and then stores the pieces of music in perfect music shop quality as MP3 with all ID3 tags and album images on the hard disk

Music Management with Music Universe
Audials Radiotracker manages your music collection in any size visually with the music universe on your PCs, clouds and mobile devices. You can reorder your music collection as you like. With 500,000 artist images you can browse your music collection in the music universe.

Audials Radiotracker at Home, the Audials Radio App on the Go!
The Audials apps are in perfect harmony with your Audials Radiotracker Premium Windows software and offer you many extras. Audials is available for free as an app for Android smartphones & tablets, Apple iPhone™ & Apple iPad™, as an app in the Windows Store, and as a browser app.

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