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Giveaway: Ashampoo Photo Commander 15 [for PC]


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View, edit and organize – all with a single application

Ashampoo Photo Commander 15 is the comprehensive solution to view, edit and organize your photos, geotagging included! Bring order to your photo library, batch-optimize multiple files at once or create and design your own calendars, greeting cards and slideshows with ease.

Control and navigate through your slideshows on your PC while the slides appear on an external display or beamer! With just a few clicks, beginners, amateurs and professionals alike will achieve stunning results.

Benefits at a glance

  • Ready-to-use and individually customizable greeting cards, web albums and calendars
  • Turn GPS data from JPG and RAW images into concrete locations
  • Filter photos by country, city, street or even street number
  • Fascinating design tools for maximum creativity
  • Cut out persons and objects with ease
  • Ready-to-use and individually customizable greeting cards, web albums and calendars
  • Over 60 stunning effects

Perfectly organized – huge collections included

As your library grows, it becomes increasingly harder to keep track of all of your photos. The many filter and grouping settings help you sift through your library based on location, date, format or rating. Sort your photos chronologically, thematically or based on individual criteria and add more structure to your photo collection.

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