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Add and Remove 'Install CAB' to the Context Menu in Windows 10


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How to add "Install CAB" Context Menu in Windows 10

Sometimes Microsoft releases Windows update to their update catalog site which you can download but are not yet available to grab via Windows Update.

If you happen to come across such an update which you want to install or simply you may be doing a clean install of Windows and have those CAB files so you update it to the latest version before you proceed with installing any of you drivers/software, then this little tweak will allow you to get an "Install CAB" option when you right click on a CAB file.

If you'd like to make the registry files yourself, the code can be found in this guide.





If you find yourself installing .cab files regularly, you can add "Install CAB" to your Context Menu with this easy to use registry hack.

CAB files are provided by Microsoft, most commonly for Windows Updates before they are officially released. With a simple registry hack, we can add or remove this option.

Reboot for the changes to apply.

If you'd like to make the registry files yourself, the code can be found in this guide.


Site: https://mega.nz
Sharecode: /#!GK4gkaDK!XLjKcdgU2a1pYCDF8oP-hU8DzQBwlj6jNlIJBOfAiSU


if you want to remove the "Install CAB" context menu for any reason, then you can simply double click on this reg file to have it removed:


Site: https://mega.nz
Sharecode: /#!fPgCiKDR!khaGTKowod4QkklRbwFmvXYqWI5dJOXUh6H6-WECxuw

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I read this very story on majorgeeks.com. it doesn't work for me. I made my own reg file as they stated and nothing appears in my context menu?? What am I doing wrong?

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12 minutes ago, uffbros said:

I read this very story on majorgeeks.com. it doesn't work for me. I made my own reg file as they stated and nothing appears in my context menu?? What am I doing wrong?


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



@="cmd /k dism /online /add-package /packagepath:\"%1\""


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



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Thats what I said above..I did that..I did my own then downloaded yours..Same result. When it says context menu..does that mean I right click on the .cab file and that menu should have something about installing the cab file? I rebooted each time as well??

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Thanks for pointing incorrect link, .......corrected,


Not on a windows system now, will test and get back.



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1 hour ago, uffbros said:

Thats what I said above..I did that..I did my own then downloaded yours..Same result. When it says context menu..does that mean I right click on the .cab file and that menu should have something about installing the cab file? I rebooted each time as well??

Correct --------------- Not working,


Reported to author by others as well.

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Ok, everyone, I got the fix. It was WinRar that was preventing this to work. WinRar was the default program to open .cab files. Just go into WinRar and from the drop-down at the top select options/settings/integration and then apply the reg file and now it has an option in the context menu to install when you right click on a .cab file.

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On 12/5/2018 at 1:21 AM, uffbros said:

Ok, everyone, I got the fix. It was WinRar that was preventing this to work. WinRar was the default program to open .cab files. Just go into WinRar and from the drop-down at the top select options/settings/integration and then apply the reg file and now it has an option in the context menu to install when you right click on a .cab file.

The reg-code is absolutely correct, even if a fortunately banned smarta** from the beyond asserts the contrary: "Do not waste time, this registry code is incorrect and will never work."

 Yes, it is very important to ensure that cab files are not linked to a file archiver like winrar, winzip, 7zip or others.


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