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how to password protect a folder ?


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hey techies ,

how to password protect any one particular folder ?

i dont want to archive it or compress it ( with 7zip or winrar ) and also not put it under windows uac .

is there a way , by which we can protect any one single folder in windows with a password ?

i mean , every time we click on the folder and it should ask for a password before displaying its contents >>>>

thanks ..

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In my experience pretty much all these programs are useless, the only effective way I tried is to use encrypted containers, I use TrueCrypt (which is free) to do so.

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bitlocker which are in vista & 7 is good way to kiss goodbye to all ur data by forgetting ur pass. uhm. yeah. or losing that usb key.

i'd just create a password protected rar, but u said u don't want to.. why? it's good way to hide ur pr0n, err.. i mean important documents. :P

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Well I'm usin a free software called Microsoft Private Folder that is not easily available on the internet. But I really recommend, if you want it I will upload it for you.

But yea I want to know a way I can lock a folder by not usin any software's special locking folder.

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Well I'm usin a free software called Microsoft Private Folder that is not easily available on the internet. But I really recommend, if you want it I will upload it for you.

But yea I want to know a way I can lock a folder by not usin any software's special locking folder.

Not easily available? The first result in google gave me a working download.

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not easy to find? i googled it in a few secs.. :rolleyes:

but i don't have xp to test it and supposedly u can even use the uncracked one, but just install it with quiet switch and it should work, but anyhoo.. here:

wtf: http://www.mediafire.com
sharepwnage: /?tk3ncjuug3j

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Is it the cracked one?

I'm not sayin patch but I'm sayin cracked. I have cracked it myself by some editin.

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Here is one from karachidude.

In my experience pretty much all these programs are useless, the only effective way I tried is to use encrypted containers, I use TrueCrypt (which is free) to do so.

AxCrypt does the job perfectly

bitlocker which are in vista & 7 is good way to kiss goodbye to all ur data by forgetting ur pass. uhm. yeah. or losing that usb key.

i'd just create a password protected rar, but u said u don't want to.. why? it's good way to hide ur pr0n, err.. i mean important documents. :P

Well I'm usin a free software called Microsoft Private Folder that is not easily available on the internet. But I really recommend, if you want it I will upload it for you.

But yea I want to know a way I can lock a folder by not usin any software's special locking folder.

allright ,

thanks tucker for guiding to the karachidude post .

the .bat file is a really good way of hiding and locking a folder .

just create a .bat file and then run it to create a private folder , transfer all your porn errr.. :D i mean any private and important documents to it and again run it to lock and hide it with a password !

thats stealth with panache ! :ph34r:

thanks karachidude ..

@dkt ,try it , if u dont want any software for locking a folder...

@manpe axcrypt is good in encrypting and decrypting any file in one click , but it doesnt lock a folder , but the contents inside the folder.!

or did i do something wrong and there is a way ?????

@ lohengrin ,, and didnt go for true crypt .

used to use true crypt sometime back ,, but somewhat was not comfortable with it ...

just wanted to know a method other than rar and zips .

thanks guys for your help ..

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