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Forgotten Gems


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I was cleaning out some boxes in storage when I came across boxes full of software.  Here are a couple examples.




Some people may not be familiar with Microsoft Select Packs such as the disks on the left.  These disks had every software package in every language that Microsoft offered, both desktop and server, and were full versions without serial numbers.  If you installed four copies of NT4 and 20 copies of Windows 98 you were supposed to report that on your monthly install report and then you would be charged accordingly.  Yeah, right.  Who is stupid enough to do that.  These disks are dated April 1998 but I had cases full that I dumped in the trash.


The disks on the right are my Windows 286 version 2.1 install disks.


Also found my original retail packages still in boxes for MSDOS 6, Windows for Networks 3.11, Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Plus Pack and many others.  I filled two 55 gallon drum liners with software and various pc cards, like ide in/out, print server device (connect 4 printers to 1 pc), serial port cards, etc all from the mid 90s.





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yeah cool, but I too have a couple closets full of gems or crap depending on who is viewing them. I personally think of it as gems too, but Im old! 

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I remember the days when you could register for MS software kits and they would ship you cardboard binders of everything they had.......ah dialup days

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