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myTube is free until November 2!


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Look: of all the third-party YouTube apps built for Windows, myTube is one of the best you can get your hands on. But it the app's usual $1 price tag has kept you from giving it a shot, there's some good news: it's free for the next three days.

Developer Ryken Studio is holding a sale, making myTube free through November 2. You'll get the full-featured app, which works across Windows 10, Windows 10 Mobile, HoloLens, and Xbox One, without paying a dime.


MyTube has been around for some time, with Ryken Studio consistently updating the experience over the years to keep up with changes to Windows 10. Most recently, myTube adopted support for Windows Timeline, a full black/white theme built for AMOLED displays, a theatre mode, and "Rooms," which let you watch videos in sync with friends.

Today's promotion also coincides with another update, bringing the app up to version 3.4 with several new features. Here's a rundown:

  • Pin channels you're susbscribed to on the taskbar. Enabling "Sync subscriptions to contacts" in settings will let you view videos in a small popup windows from the taskbar at any time. [PC]
  • New option to allow videos to automatically open in fullscreen. [PC]
  • Clickable URLs an timestamps have been added to comments and video descriptions. [PC & Mobile]
  • Double tapping/clocking on edges of video will now jump forward or backward by 10 seconds. [PC & Mobile}
  • Option to enable VP9 format platback; enables 1440p and 4K playback. [PC & Xbox]
  • New monthly donation options to unlock the ability to create your own color schemes. [All platforms]

There are other solid YouTube apps out there (like Awesome Tube) that are worth considering, but myTube is held up as the standard for many. If you haven't given the app a shot just yet, you can pick it up for free now on the Microsoft Store.



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