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ESET Smart Security 4.0 preventing proper wireless connectivity


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Uhh.. I dunno .. but I get really tired of every thread turning into a discussion about who's firewall drags the floor.. no matter what it concerns in truth..

It usually ends that way because it always begins with the same problem, ESS. Why beat around the bush going through ESS firewall settings with a fine tooth comb trying to help another person's setup when it is much easier to recommend a firewall that is actually user friendly and works out of the box. In my experience with ESS, it sometimes lies about things. The firewall says things are open but in the advanced rule settings they are missing, when I tested it the first time UPnP was supposedly open according to the firewall status, in reality it never was, the rule was missing yet ESS insisted it was unblocked.

I always recommend Online Armour for people who just want a simpler way to get a good enough firewall solution without the needing to have expert knowledge.

ESS does not come anywhere close to what user friendly is supposed to be.

Okay you like me are entitled to your personal opinion..to each his own..However when this opinion gets in the way of actually finding a resolution to the problem.. and I do mean the REAL problem being discussed.. and the thread gets hijacked.. OVER and OVER.. turning into.. use this firewall.. no use this firewall.. here's ten-thousands posts and tests run of it.. and then back and forth for 20 twenty posts.. while the individual who posted the thread still has the issue.. and nothing gets resolved..I don't see the forum doing what it is supposed to do..

The word is called objectivity, and focus.. there are elements involved that allow this to happen.. Including biased opinions that may or may not be correct..This particular thread is a picture perfect example of what I mean..While everyone is 'discussing' over which firewall is better.. He found the resolution to his problem himself... and found an infection which has altered his settings, disallowing a connection..

He posts and the thread continues like he isn't even there.. about another subject.. THAT.. is what I feel needs to be something that people keep in mind. I don't doubt that many people do not like ESS, nor its settings...But it works and quite well for some..Some people won't even use protection nor a firewall.. so there are a wide range of users out there..

I didn't see anyone actually look over the posted screenshots.. or try to get to a point of resolution to make sure that the actual problem was even being caused by ESS.. instead it was instantaneous suggestions and immediate to change firewalls, with anywhere from 4 to 6 recommendations of different applications to use...

If I was to start a thread right now about the settings in ESS.. and how to use them.. there would be 50 people posting about other programs - hijacking the thread.. It makes the general subject matter non-existent at that point and its like trying to screen over five people .. ( or read through ten posts ) to hear the one thing that actually being said concerning the correct subject matter..

My intent is not to bend anyones ideals or perspectives on anything in any direction..nor is it to make one program better than any other.. nor to hurt anyones feelings or step on any toes..nor shut anyone up..I would hope that people would be given additional information.. that can help them come to a conclusion and a decision on their own.. Something they can take with them.. instead of being told what to do.. and not learning anything, or walking away with nothing at all..

I do understand how and why the suggestions were made.. that does make sense.. but it just didn't seem to hit anywhere near home for the issue...and I think it just winds up being too much sometimes...its a personal opinion... and other may not feel that way at all.. But I just keep seeing it get in the way...

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Well you are correct, I won't disagree with what you said. I still think offering advise to switch apps to one that works is A solution to the problem, might not be the solution the user wants or the "correct" solution but it is a solution.

I didn't just offer him an alternative based on /dev/null, according to what was said:

  • it wasn't his laptop it belonged to his friend, what happens when his friend is stuck with ESS in future? His friend should not have to keep bothering him for things like this.
  • he took hours to configure it without success,
  • he was certain nod32 was at fault, I took his word for it and didn't question his diagnostic skills, I assume he knows what he's talking about and the problem was indeed ESS and not otherwise network related.
  • he didn't mention any other changes made that could make me think it was a problem other than ESS.

After carefully considering those parameters I recommended Online Armour firewall, something I know is easy to use for everyone so his friend will have no problems in future that he can't click his way through. I could not recommend Outpost because I know it's not as good as Online Armour, and Comodo is difficult to figure out if you are new to it.

Other stuff: A virus that won't survive a full format would also not survive a quick format, no need to waste hours on full format.

For better wireless security you should stop using WEP and use WPA2 with AES encryption, if you don't have support for WPA2 then use WPA.

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Well the advise technically was good..I agree with you on that..and the WPA2 thing is correct.. I had to hack into my router to get to it believe it or not.. into a section nobody knew about on a 2Wire../management.. This guy had a REAL problem here a while back where his external got a major infection from another system he was working on..the 'Virut' thing is a nasty one..

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Calling ESET's firewall the worst one can get is rubbish ;)


Of course ! He just like to write things. Doesn`t matter what. Is a typewriter ! :lol:

Keep on!...I heard you had already bought 10 keyboards. You must not press so strongly keyboard keys ! :tease:

You can post whatever you like, credits are zero. :rofl: :lmao:

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Of course, fast, intelligent and modern typewriter. What about you, I wonder, have you ever known the meaning of a keyboard. :think: :lol:

No one can stop me from postin my opinion.

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did we figure out what was goingon with the poster's problem?

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did we figure out what was goingon with the poster's problem?

He solved it like 2 days ago or something.... :lol:

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