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Ability Office 7 Standard


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Ability Office 7 Standard



Ability Office is a powerful Office-compatible productivity suite, including a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool and photo manager.

The suite's editor, Ability Write, looks and feels a lot like Microsoft Word. It reads and writes the same .DOC and .DOCX files, supports all the formatting options you need, includes vector drawing and autoshape tools, has indexing, TOC, spell and grammar checking, and can optionally export your finished documents as PDF.
Ability Spreadsheet handles your calculaion needs with over 250 built-in functions, 25 chart types, pivot tables, autoshapes and more. An Office-like ribbon makes it easy to find the options you need, and again it can read and write Excel files, as well as exporting to PDF.

It's the same story with Ability Presentation, which enables you to read and edit PowerPoint presentations, or create new documents of your own.




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