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KeyScrambler encrypts your keystrokes deep in the kernel, as they travel from your keyboard to the destination app, so whatever keyloggers may be awaiting in the operating system will get only scrambled, indecipherable, useless data to record. This preventive approach enables KeyScrambler to stay one step ahead of the bad guys instead of running after them. It protects your data/identity even on security compromised computers, defeats both known and unknown keyloggers, and effectively closes the gap in traditional anti-virus, anti-malware programs, whose detect-and-remove method proves ineffective in dealing with new malware attacks.

Thanks to Astron for the update.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I used a key (which I got from somewhere else) for Premium version which was successfully verified..but Im getting this 👇

Encryption module error: 400

on the logon screen on Win10 v1803 x64. It was so in the previous v3.12.0.0 and it is so in this v3.12.0.1.

Recently, I had to uninstall KIS19 after which I saw it work during logon. And now, after I've re-installed KIS19, the error is back.

Even if I disable KIS19 to launch automatically at computer startup, the error persists.

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2 hours ago, T3rM1nat0Rr3 said:

Does this help?

No. I tried that (even with a restart) before making a post in this topic but that didn't work.

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  • 3 months later...
1 hour ago, Parandeh said:


Thanks, But file is removed.




Site: https://multifilemirror.com
Sharecode: /jmp7yjesh8z4

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