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uTorrent 3.5.4 Build 44632


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uTorrent is an efficient and feature rich BitTorrent client for Windows sporting a very small footprint. It was designed to use as little cpu, memory and space as possible while offering all the functionality expected from advanced clients. With uTorrent, you can download files faster and contribute by sharing files and bandwidth. Additionally, uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.

Thanks to ADN for the update.


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Features of the assembly:
Ads disabled
The DHT patch is applied (downloading torrents marked as private, without the participation of a tracker)
Glyfz 2016 skin is applied and minor changes are made to the interface
The database of the mapping of ip-addresses and flags of countries in the Feast tab


Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode: /files/8956359/uTorrent.v3.5.4.44632.zip.html

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3.5.4_44632 magnet link:
or simply use the 40 digit HASH on its own:
File size: 1.89 MB (1,991,608 bytes) / Digitally Signed: BitTorrent Inc. 13 September 2018 00:12:49

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μTorrent  Ads Free 3.5.4 Build 44632 Repack & Portable (4.1 MB)


Repack Features:

- Ads removed

- Updates disabled

- All languages

- Portable included




Site: https://mega.nz
Sharecode[?]: /#!kYEhhQwA!NjkS5cBBUaB4AC2pfDA1msG83Q4TR3QfxddI20eEp6Q

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My bad..The problem was it unzipped it to my D drive and I assumed it was going to my D:/Portable apps folder.....My Portable Apps folder had the older version..I'll pay more attention to where I'm unzipping.

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1 hour ago, uffbros said:

My bad..The problem was it unzipped it to my D drive and I assumed it was going to my D:/Portable apps folder.....My Portable Apps folder had the older version..I'll pay more attention to where I'm unzipping.

No problem :D

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did for themselves, blocked, patched, changed all that can be

µTorrentPro Lite 3.5.4 Build 44632 Portable  





Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode: /files/8966023/_TorrentPro_Lite_3.5.4_Build_44632.rar.html


P.S.the player is locked
Removed built-in anti-virus because it gives a heavy load on the OC
apps-Game Store devices-locked
dlimagecache-advertising cache-blocked
locked: the folder is replaced with an empty file (0byte), therefore there is no possibility to write data, the functionality is blocked.
Disabled ads with ad modules 
Removed Facebook and Twitter transitions.
Removed all languages except Russian, English.
ДобавленыuTorrentProCopy .bat - launch a second copy of the client when already running and PagePriority1.reg registry tweak-lower priority of access to RAM. (run manually)
Replaced icons, skin, flags / ip-countries.
Changed the highlight of the active line to a brighter one.
Download of "Recommended", apps (packages, apps, recommended content) is disabled.
Patched license check for the Plus/Prof version, disabled all banner advertising.
Classic DHT patch (file sharing without tracker).
The device list is not populated when adding a torrent

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  • 3 weeks later...

µTorrentPro 3.5.4 Build 44632 (DC 05.10.2018)  RePack (& Portable) by D!akov

RePack features:
Type: Installation | unpacking (portable version from PortableApps).
Languages: ML.
Integrated: Langpack.
Optional: disabled advertising.


Changes in the version from 05/10/2018:
Fixed antivirus detection


Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode: /files/9030324/TorrentPro-




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9 hours ago, sulim said:


Dude...please fix your typing format.

I think it's little annoying when reading the post.

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μTorrent Ad-Free (4.58 MB) - NO CRACK


Repack Features:

- Original untouched utorrent.exe
- Configured settings.dat (removed ads)
- Adjusted user friendly compact main menu by priority
- Exit without taskbar
- Fully uninstall without risk of launched program
- Auto detection for leftovers during install
- Interact with user to save torrent tasks
- Updated Flags (5 September 2018)
- Many public trackers announce list
- Search engine list of famous trackers
- Optional Skin
- User Manual for uTorrent



= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Site: www.upload.ee

Sharecode: /files/9038386/uTorrent_3.5.4.44632.exe.html

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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13 hours ago, BTJB said:

- Many public trackers announce list


19 working trackers and the rest look like a waste of time.



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Just wondering as I don't know if it's just on my end, but does the uTorrent forums work?
I don't think I've been able to access it for a few months now.

Popup shows but it's blank so I don't even know what the error is.

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16 minutes ago, SacredCultivator said:

Just wondering as I don't know if it's just on my end, but does the uTorrent forums work?
I don't think I've been able to access it for a few months now.

Popup shows but it's blank so I don't even know what the error is.

Working on my browser, the problem is in your side.

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6 hours ago, SacredCultivator said:

Just wondering as I don't know if it's just on my end, but does the uTorrent forums work?
 I don't think I've been able to access it for a few months now.

Popup shows but it's blank so I don't even know what the error is.


Did you try a different browser? Or try disabling browser add-ons or extensions.

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Thank you.

Okay so trying on Chrome, it's 'cause the site is "insecure" that's why my FF blocked it.

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12 minutes ago, SacredCultivator said:

it's 'cause the site is "insecure" that's why my FF blocked it.


Unless there's a reason not to trust your own surfing habits:

Firefox>Options>Security>General. Uncheck "Block dangerous and deceptive content".

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18 hours ago, T3rM1nat0Rr3 said:

19 working trackers and the rest look like a waste of time.


Thanks for the note. Now it was updated to October 2018 about 30-40 stable working trackers. You can check again. It must be with minimum fails.

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  • 2 months later...

μTorrentPRO Multilingual PortableAppZ

Download Portable μTorrent Online (0.9 MB)
Language build if needed: 43085
Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/8958018/uTorrent_Portable_3.x.x.x_Multilingual_Online.exe.html

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  • 3 weeks later...


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