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Windows 8.1 AIO x86/x64 FR pre-activated + office16 pre-activated + 7 softwares + 239 updates + Recovery partition


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Name of the software : WINDOWS 8.1

Release : WINDOWS 8.1 RTM AIO
Date : Septembre 2018
Architecture : 32 bit (x86)/64 bit (x64)
Format : iso
Language : French (but you can change it easily to any language you want as i mentionned at the end of this topic)
Cut with : WinRar
Number of the files : 3
Size of the files : 2 x 3,91 GB + 1 x 791 MB
Complete Size : 8,78 GB
Host : 1fichier


This ISO contains the following win8.1 editions :

Windows 8.1 Core x32
Windows 8.1 Core x64
Windows 8.1 Pro x32
Windows 8.1 Pro x64
Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center x32
Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center x64
Windows 8.1 Enterprise x32
Windows 8.1 Enterprise x64


Hello all,


Today, i am here to share with you an iso image win8.1 AIO x86 / x64 (home, pro, pro wmc and enterprise) but not just any iso, this iso has the particularity to contain not only all editions of win8.1 except N versions which are not really much use but also all updates (security, hotfix, framework4.6 and framework4.7) that date from 2014 until August 2017 and the most popular software that most people use these days (vlc, cdburnerxp, teamviewer, skype, winrar, Firefox, windirstat, Acrobat Reader, java) not to mention office 2016 Professional Plus and best of all is that windows8.1 and office 2016 are automatically activated at the end of windows installation.

I integrated myself all these programs in iso by different ways (through the AUDIT mode to install updates and software) to make life easier for windows users, they won't need to install these softwares, they will find them ready for use once the win8.1 installation is complete.

You will understand that all this was designed to save time especially for updates that sometimes take a long time to download and install especially on machines whose configuration is not fast.

I must also specify that this iso image is different from those you used to use for the installation of windows including the interface, I explain myself :
I came across a script that I discovered on MDL site and that the creator has implemented to make life easier for windows users in some by including such useful options as multi-boot support, recovery partition image support which is very interesting and which I will discuss in the following lines and quite other options.
So I tried this script and I was pretty impressed by all the options it could contain and so I decided to integrate it in the iso so that nsane members can benefit from it.

So I was saying that this script allows among other things the recovery partition support that is to say which means that  it creates a recovery partition which is very convenient because you can use this option to reinstall windows 8.1 in the event that the machine does not work anymore because of a virus or for some other reason, that is to say that this option is exactly the same option as the recovery partition that is present when you buy a new pc and that you use to return the machine to the factory state when it is no longer functional.


For those who wonder how to proceed to use this script to install win8.1, do not panic, it is very easy to use, just look at the screens just below to install win8.1 correctly :

When you boot on a usb device (hard disk, stick) here is the interface that you will see:




At this point, you enter the "y" on your keyboard to go to the next step :




When this interface appears, you press "F"  to go to the next step :




From then, you will have the choice between either "install win8.1 without creation of recovery partition" or "install win8.1 with creation of a recovery partition"
If you choose the 1st option, press "Y" , if you choose the 2nd option, you will have to press on "R"
Whether option you choose, the hard disk will be formatted completely and converted either in MBR or in GPT (this will depend on the option that is selected and activated in the bios namely "UEFI" or "Legacy" and you will see this screen few seconds later :




As you will have understood, from that moment, you will have to choose among the 4 offered editions and the 8 displayed options, which one you want to install on your pc either in 32 bits or in 64 bits (if you have a quantity of ram lower than 4 Go, you must choose the 32bit version, if you have a quantity of RAM equal to or bigger than 4 GB, you will have to choose the 64bit version).

It will be necessary to type a number between 1 and 8 according to the edition and the architecture that you want to install.
If you choose win8.1 32-bit core, you will have to type "1"
If you choose windows 8.1 professional 64 bit, you will have to type "6" and so on.
Once the choice is made, a screen will appear asking you to confirm the choice made previously, to confirm, you type "Y", to go back, you type "N" :




and at this point, the installation of win8.1 will start with or without creating a recovery partition (depending on the option you chose earlier):




If you only see this screen, it means that win8.1 will be installed without creation of a recovery partition.
If you see the previous screen in addition to the one that is just below, it means that the installation of win8.1 will be done with creation of a recovery partition which will take more time before the final operation is completed :




You will only have to wait until the installation process reaches 100%.
Once this is done, a reboot will be necessary for the installation to continue, it will be done without the need to do it manually and just after that, you will see the screen that you usually see , the one of the device preparation to finalize the installation :




It will take a few minutes before the "Region and Language" screen appears to configure the keyboard and time zone as you can see below:




From there, you will finalize the installation by setting among others, the name of the pc, the user name, etc. until the desktop appears with the pre-installed softwares that I mentioned at the beginning of the post as you can see below:




Then you can make sure that the updates have been integrated by going into "control panel" then in "windows update" then in "installed updates" and you will see that the number of the updates is 239 (windows 8.1 pro x86) which confirms that the updates have been successfully integrated :




You can now use your pc as you wish by having windows 8.1 pre-activated with 7 software installed on it in addition to office 2016 which is also pre-activated with all its programs not to mention more than 200 updates which are already installed in the system.
Here are the 2 screens showing that the activations of win8.1 and office 2016 are done automatically at the end of the win8.1 installation process using the script :




Regarding the updates, you will only have to download and install about 15 updates remaining that will be available when searching for them in windows update as you can see below :




Regarding the recovery partition that I told you about at the beginning of the post, you can use it to restore your pc to the factory state in case it is no longer accessible or ineffective. By choosing this option, your system will be fully reinstalled and you will lose all your data including future applications that you install later (those that are pre-installed will remain intact) or by updating your PC, if you choose this option, your machine will be partially reinstalled which means that your personal data (files, windows store applications) will remain intact but all future applications will be deleted.


You can reinstall Windows 8.1 in 2 different ways:


1) The first method is the most common, it consists in doing the reinstallation directly from the windows session by going into "pc settings" then "updates and recovery" then "recovery" and from that moment you will have the choice between "refresh your pc" or "reinstall your pc" as I just mentioned few lines above. Choose the option that suits you according to your needs.
As you can see, this method is only applicable if you can access your windows session.
Otherwise, if unfortunately, you cannot access to your windows session anymore for some reason, it would be very annoying since the use of this method will be no longer effective to be able to reinstall windows 8.1.
it will therefore be necessary at this time to find another way to reinstall windows in case the first scenario occurs and this is where the second method comes into play to overcome all the bad situations that may occur after mishandling or for some other reason and that we end up with the scenario i've just mentioned.


2) The second method is to access the troubleshooting tools to reinstall windows by quickly pressing  on "F8"  when starting the pc.
To do this, we must ensure that these troubleshooting tools are accessible at any time to overcome all the bad situations by typing this command line (admin mode) right after the end of win8.1 installation  :


Bcdedit / set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy
Then you type "entry"


Once this command line has been executed, you will be able to access the troubleshooting tools by pressing on "F8" quickly and repeatedly at the start of the PC and you should see the advanced boot options with several possible choices as you can see below:




When you see this screen, you click on "repair the computer" and you will see after that the troubleshooting tools to appear as you can see below:




From then, you click on "Troubleshooting" and you will see the following screen to appear with the choice between doing a "reset" or "update" :




Then, all you will have to do is to wait until one of the chosen operations ends. This usually takes between 15 to 30 minutes. It may take less time as it may take longer, it will depend on your pc configuration then you will notice that all pre-installed programs (7 tools + office16) as well as all the updates are still there once the operation is completed.


This iso is in french language as well as office16 but you can easily change win8.1 to any display language you want by simply following this tutorial => here


Regarding office16, you can uninstall the french version and install any VL office16 language edition and you will see office16 automatically activated after that.


All credit goes to murphy78 from MDL who is the creator of this great script.


CAUTION: You must not use this tutorial if you have partitions which contain data you don't wish to loose because by doing so, the script will format the entire hard disk and therefore all the data will be lost.

If you want to keep the partitions containing data, you will have to test the script by yourself using VM and find the options to install win8.1 without loosing your data.


Enjoy :)

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