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LikeNEWPC 3.1.0 (1 year license)


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LikeNEWPC 3.1.0 (1 year license)

  • Repairs disabled, badly infected and slow Windows computers helping eliminate personal data theft.
  • Well validated, safe and simple to use, LikeNEWPC runs 12 different scanners and tools to fix low level problems and remove security threats, Spyware, Malware and tracking software from your computer. Our patent pending process provides effective repairs for disabling problems such as No Startup, No Boot, Freezes, bad infections, Hard Drive, Corrupt Driver, Missing Files and DLL’s, Blue/Black screens and more!
  • The First of its Kind LikeNEWPC is a security threat remover, virus scanner, registry cleaner, low level repair tool, backup and data recovery product all in one! Simple enough for beginners but powerfull enough for the pros, now everyone can fix and secure their own PC from home! Everyone's infected, now you can be protected!
  • The most thorough product on the market for removing security threats and protecting personal computer data.
  • Patent Pending Process and technology allows novice users to fix complex and disabling computer problems easily from the comfort of home.
  • Safe and validated by Virus Total and ScamAdvisor, LikeNEWPC downloads from the cloud, does not install on your computer and does not collect ANY personal information.
  • Restores slow and disabled computers to a LikeNEW state allowing them to be reused saving them from landfills.
  • LikeNEWPC runs multiple security scanners to remove all security threat types. This process provides the most effective PC cleaning available!
  • Available for download on Majorgeeks.com, Download.com, Cnet.com, Softpedia.com and other software download sites.
  • LikeNEWPC Minimum System Requirements: Runs on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. Pentium 4 or newer; Minimum 512 Meg RAM; Internet Connection (required); Download size: aprox. 672 Megabytes (0.67GB).
  • Run time 4-6 hours typically. Severe corruption or infection could take up to 16 hours.
  • Backup time is additional and based on volume of data.
  • Disclaimer: LikeNEWPC is designed for catastrophic computer failures. Although improbable, it is possible for our product to create additional problems On seriously compromised computers. We have incorporated Automated Computer Backup features that will allow you to recover and backup your data if accessible prior to running repairs to help prevent loss of your important stuff. Ensure you backup your files when the program prompts you to avert any loss. When in the program, clicking on continue without backup is done at your OWN RISK. By accepting and acknowledging the EULA you are assuming all risks associated with our Catastrophic Computer Repair Service.






Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode: /files/8850572/GiveawayClub_LikeNewPC.zip.html





  • Key is not required with this installer version
  • The product automatically updates every time you run it as it is cloud based. 
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