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Can we have a shoutbox on nsane.forums?


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If NR says this why bring it back? I don't think we need this type of social media BS here just my two cents worth.


If it aint broke why fix it ?

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Guest JimKing

Time changed, last time was disable because was abused,


I am sure the staff won't replicate the same errors of 5 years ago with the shoutbox, but also giving a chance for members to correct themself maybe good,


I think @DKT27 already explained the reasons behind why the shoutbox wouldn't be enabled again...


Thank you ?

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I thought I have said this before, but I cannot seem to find that post.


Anyway, we had them years ago and it was abused by the members. Since then it was concluded that it will not be brought back.


Another thing is, members seem to think shoutbox or RSUs are meant to discuss or ask about important things. Meaning, they do not post those things on the forums, which the forums are meant for. Meaning, those discussions are not documented hence if a person who is looking for any help or searching for that post will never find it.

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1 hour ago, DKT27 said:

Anyway, we had them years ago and it was abused by the members. Since then it was concluded that it will not be brought back.


The shoutbox is site for some useless and needless discussions. If anything important is discussed, it's lost, not documented and I understand, it represents an imprtant waste of bandwidth resources.

An additional issue with the shoutbox is that for some unexplicable reason users mistake it for searchbox; this error is quiet frequent and some sites even need to ban users from shoutbox to stop them posting search items.

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As You all well know, IPS closed the Chat block development from May 2017 and from this date it is no more included to the IPS Community Suite.
So, it means, that it isn't possible to simply enable or not to enable.
Now is possible to use only third party chatbox or shoutbox. 
Yes, they exist. I mean, what is compatible and can work with IPS 4.3.x.
It means, must use or BIM43 Chatbox, or old shoutbox from version IPB 3.4.x (it is Shoutbox or for example CometChat (Demo https://www.cometchat.com/demo/).... or something else.
So, it isn't simply to turn on or turn off.

Personally I have tested BIM Chatbox and Shoutbox, they both works. 

But should remember, that chatbox can be used only by civilized people..... that's the main reason, why it is usually removed from forums. But why it should be related to forum? Why not to use self-standing chat-channels or for example Discord (https://discordapp.com/)

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I would like to note that the nSane Discord Server is NOT THE OFFICIAL NSANEFORUM DISCORD SERVER/chatroom server.
I created it basically for the purpose that members will still be able to get in touch with each other during downtime.
But unfortunately, there have been lots of abuses there too, like spamming, trolling, pretending to be NF staff, gathering of members personal details, and even inciting anti-nSaneForum self-serving purpose, for these reason we are currently closed to non-VIP/Veteran members.
The only way for non-VIP/Veteran to join there now is to go thru phone verification.
Those members that are VIP/Veteran can pm me so that they will be exempted for phone verification process.
Phone verified members, even if they are VIP/Veteran, has benefits as they can access other servers which requires phone verification.
The forum runs on multi-level VIP/Veteran nSaneForum members casting their votes on what to allow and not to allow there, so dictatorship ruling isn't allowed there even for me. lol!

The advantage of having a discord server instead of a built-in chatroom here are:

1. Free bandwidth, it costs us nothing to use the service unlike in the forum we are paying for it.

2. It is a member ruled chat environment, so that no NF staff there has any authority.
3. Discord accounts that got banned there can still post here in NF and NF account that got banned here can still post there in nSane Discord.
(2&3) This is an important relationship and distinction so that whenever a "member against a staff issues" arise, that server will serve as a neutral ground to resolve issues.
4. Multi-channel feature, this is the most important feature which a normal basic shoutbox can't have.
This is very important so that discussion of  related subjects on the same channel can continue without any off-topic interruption but not worth to create a topic here in NF like trying to have a collaboration of experiments for a configuration of software.
5. I have no control over the DM (means direct message, it is like a pm here in NF)  as only the main discord server has control over it.
6. Whenever our nSaneforum.com and nSaneDown.com are inaccessible (downtime), nSane Discord Server is still accessible.
The two are not linked together.
7. It is a dynamic and flexible chat server. Role status can give you access to certain channels allowed only for that privilege.

NOTE: Phone verification is handled by discord and not me. You gave your number to them and not to me. They have the automated process built in in discord. I have no access to whatever info you gave to them.

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Guest Kalim F.

Can I ask a direct way from this site to access such server?


After all, is called nSaneForums Discord, so, a direct link would be appreciated from our end as simple users I suppose?


Thank you, dear. ?

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16 minutes ago, nIGHT said:

The only way for non-VIP/Veteran to join there now is to go thru phone verification.

Not true.  :(   FWIW: Frustrating as never could get it working! 




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17 minutes ago, tao said:

Not true.  :(   FWIW: Frustrating as never could get it working! 

Can you elaborate your issues further?

I have no clue as to what you are talking about.
Is it the discord software or the discord web not working for you or only the nSane Discord server?


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Thank you @nIGHT, no, as no one wishes to live through (re-describe) a nightmarish experience.  


I prefer harmony over disharmony (discord) any day!  ?


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7 minutes ago, tao said:

Thank you @nIGHT, no, as no one wishes to live through (re-describe) a nightmarish experience.  


I prefer harmony over disharmony (discord) any day!  ?


No more problem then.

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14 minutes ago, nIGHT said:

No more problem then.

No, not for me.  But for others, non-VIPs,  who may be adventurous to venture there.  ?

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13 minutes ago, tao said:

No, not for me.  But for others who may be adventurous to venture there.  ?

Good for you then.
For others, they like to embrace the future of digital communication then that (discord server) is for them.
The forum is for formal topics creation and should stay that way, away from all the nonsensical drama.

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Just now, nIGHT said:

The forum is for formal topics creation and should stay that way out of all the nonsensical drama.

Yes,  of course,  very well said, as nonsensical or sensefull dramatic statements do not help!  ?

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  • Administrator
6 hours ago, nIGHT said:

The forum is for formal topics creation and should stay that way, away from all the nonsensical drama.



We, however, do not mind members posting non-political personal discussions in The Chat Bar though. :P


For example, got a new pet and want to share it, sure, go on, post about it. Everyone will love to see even pics of it.


We are not against any fun either, just that fun should not become nonsensical drama between members as you mentioned here,

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You see they couldn't even get by this post about the  shout box without having words . They been a 1000 topics closed in Forum Feedback because members can't get along and when they had a shout box it was a 100 times worse . They gave them a bunch of chances they removed it and put it back many times but they never learned so they have no choice but to remove it for good.

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