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Total Commander 9.20


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Total Commander is a file manager replacement that offers multiple language support, search, file comparison, directory synchronization, quick view panel with bitmap display, ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE archive handling plus plugins, built-in FTP client with FXP, HTTP proxy support, and more.

Thanks to ADN for the update.


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Portable Total Commander 9.20 32-64 bit Multilingual Online

By PortableAppZ


Download Portable TotalCommander 9.20 32-64 bit Online (0.7 MB)

Site https://www.upload.ee

Sharecode : /files/8640729/TotalCommander_Portable_920x32_64_Multilingual_Online.exe.html


Extract and run TotalCommanderPortable.
Included: 7zip & DiskDir PackerPlugins.
Your wincmd.key will be used if found in Data\TotalCommander.
Language set by launcher according UserDefaultLang (if you don't want: write UserDefaultLang=false in TotalCommanderPortable.ini): English, SimpChinese, Czech, Danish, German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish.
Settings of installed TotalCommander should be preserved.
If you need to run several instances change AllowMultipleInstances from false to true in TotalCommanderPortable.ini.
If you have Notepad++Portable or UltraEditPortable ( By PortableAppZ ) in the same foder as TotalCommanderPortable you can choose one of them as default editor (F4) by changing one (not two) false to true in TotalCommanderPortable.ini.
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Total Commander 9.20 Final PAF portable




Site: http://mirr.re
Sharecode: /d/AAN

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Above previous version Patch/Keygen (posted by ZinnPL) still working.. Just don't forget to select which 'bitrate' EXE you want to crack - maybe even both of them if you run both, like me - e.g  "Totalcmd.exe" for 32 bit, or "TOTALCMD64.EXE" for 64 bit.. Select from the middle box, and patch, then use keygen if you want to or just use the existing key file you already have...



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Extended English Menus for TC 9.12 32bit and 64bit - Windows 10 (1709) 64bit version - 9.12.2

Extended English Menus for TC 9.12 32bit and 64bit - Windows 10 (1709) 64bit version - 9.12.2

Extended English Menus for COMBINED 32bit and 64bit installations of TC 9.12 under Windows 10 (1709) 64bit

Just select: "English with Extended Menu I (or II) for TC 9.12 32/64bit under Windows 10 64bit" - then the correct menu will automatically be loaded regardless of whether you are running the 32bit ot the 64bit version of TC.

Se more under:
Extended English Menus for TC 9.12 32bit - Windows 10 (1709) 64bit version
Extended English Menus for TC 9.12 64bit - Windows 10 (1709) 64bit version

Category: TC Languages
Status: Freeware
Author: Peter H. S. Madsen (petermad)
Added: 25.11.2016
Updated: 1.04.2018
Downloaded: 4417 times
Discuss on TC forum


Extended English Menus for TC 9.12 64bit - Windows 8.1 64bit version 9.12.2

Extended English Menus for TC 9.12 64bit - Windows 8.1 64bit version 9.12.2


wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.mnu and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.mnu are alternative menus for
TC that includes almost all the internal commands that it makes sense to use in
the menu. Includes among others separate menu items for "Filter", "Navigate",
"Focus", "Lister", "Tabs", "FTP", "Folders" and "Misc.". Furthermore there is
a "Windows 8.1" menu item that holds most programs installed with Windows 8.1
and an extended "Help" menu item with links to Total Commander related web

wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.mnu has a single "View" menu which is common to both file
panels. wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.mnu has separate "Left" and "Right" menus (like
Norton Commander).

wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.lng and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.lng are (almost) identical
to TC's internal dialog, and the use of these two files makes it easy to change
language and menu at the same time with just one click - simply just choose
"English with Extended Menu I for TC 9.12 64bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" or
"English with Extended Menu II for TC 9.12 64bit under Windows 8.1 64bit" in
the language dialog.

wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.inc and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.inc are slightly improved
versions of the original commands descriptions.

wcmd_win81amd64_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win81amd64_2_eng.ini are user command files
which are necessary for the user commands in the "Windows 8.1" and "Help" menu
entries among others.

wcmd_win81amd64_eng\*.bar is a folder with a series of button bars with the same
programs as the "Windows 8.1" menu item together with a button bar that shows
all the internal commands that has an icon in the wcmicons.dll file. You can
switch between the button bars using the menu item "Windows 8.1".

wcmd_win81amd64_eng.zip is a self installing archive containing several Addons
for Total Commander:

1: Extended Icon Set for TC (with 48x48 icons) (wcmicon_win81amd64.dll, wcmicon_win81amd64.inc).
2: Old Style Help for TC (totalcmd.hlp, winhlp32.exe).
3: English Standalone Lister (lister.exe, lister.exe.manifest).
4: Extended File Comments for TC (descript.ion).
5: Folder Icon for TC (desktop.ini). Write protect TC's program folder to see
the icon.
6: Official English language files (wcmd_eng.lng, wcmd_eng.mnu and

You can install this package from the Menu: "Help" -> "Install Addons for
Total Commander". If the files already exists, you will be asked whether
you want to overwrite them.

Category: TC Languages
Status: Freeware
Author: Peter H. S. Madsen (petermad)
Added: 25.11.2016
Updated: 1.04.2018
Downloaded: 1119 times
Discuss on TC forum

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3 hours ago, vulliw said:

Its working

You are absolute right. I was running on a different directory. My bad.

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key  only

Site: https://drop.me
Sharecode: /BNZExX

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