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U.S. To Break Up Soon?


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Chuck Baldwin

October 1, 2009

According to Macedonian Radio and Television On-line (MRT), a Russian professor predicts the United States will fall apart in July 2010. MRT reports, “‘Mr. Obama is similar to the last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Gorbachev was also making great promises for the Soviet Union, but the situation was only getting worse,’ he said. By next summer, according to Professor Panarin, the US will disintegrate into six blocs–and everyone will get their piece. ‘The probability that the United States of America fall apart in July 2010 is more than 50 percent,’ said Igor Panarin, Professor at Moscow’s Diplomatic Academy within the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”


Russian professor Igor Nikolaevich Panarin.

MRT went on to report, “Panarin came up with his grim forecast while analyzing the parallels between the Soviet Union in its final days and the current situation in the United States. ‘American dream ballooned seven times in 11 years. During Gorbachev era, the Soviet dream ballooned five times.’ Americans hope [President] Barack Obama ‘can work miracles,’ he wrote. ‘But when spring comes, it will be clear that there are no miracles.’”

See the MRT report at

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The Drudge Report confirmed the MRT report and added, “Professor Igor Panarin said in an interview with the respected daily IZVESTIA . . . ‘The dollar is not secured by anything. The country’s foreign debt has grown like an avalanche, even though in the early 1980s there was no debt. By 1998, when I first made my prediction, it had exceeded $2 trillion. Now it is more than 11 trillion. This is a pyramid that can only collapse.’”

At least some of what Panarin said back in the fall of 2008 either has taken place or is in the process of taking place. Drudge reported, “When asked when the U.S. economy would collapse, Panarin said: ‘It is already collapsing. Due to the financial crisis, three of the largest and oldest five banks on Wall Street have already ceased to exist, and two are barely surviving. Their losses are the biggest in history. Now what we will see is a change in the regulatory system on a global financial scale: America will no longer be the world’s financial regulator.’”

Drudge continued reporting Panarin as saying that “the U.S. will break up into six parts– the Pacific coast, with its growing Chinese population; the South, with its Hispanics; Texas, where independence movements are on the rise; the Atlantic coast, with its distinct and separate mentality; five of the poorer central states with their large Native American populations; and the northern states, where the influence from Canada is strong.”

Panarin further suggested that Russia might even “claim Alaska.”

See an archived version of Drudge’s report at

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Reporting on the same story, The Wall Street Journal said, “Prof. Panarin, 50 years old, is not a fringe figure. A former KGB analyst, he is dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s academy for future diplomats. He is invited to Kremlin receptions, lectures students, publishes books, and appears in the media as an expert on U.S.-Russian relations.”

The WSJ goes on to say that Panarin believes that “mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation will trigger a civil war next fall and the collapse of the dollar.”

See The Wall Street Journal report at

My link

This is not the first time that Comrade Panarin has made such a prediction. Joseph Farah, editor of World Net Daily, noted in December of 2008 that Panarin has been making similar projections for the past ten years. In a column regarding Panarin’s predictions, Farah wrote, “Until recently, no one took him very seriously. And then came the economic calamity that has rocked Americans and the rest of the world, too. Now, Panarin’s predictions of an end of the United States, due to economic and moral collapse, is being taken seriously by many.”

Read Farah’s column at

My link

So, will the United States break up in 2010? Or 2011? Or 2012? Or anytime in the near future, for that matter? If history is any teacher, the chances would seem good that Panarin’s predictions may be closer to reality than anyone would like to admit.

A historian and linguist from South Africa recently wrote me a fascinating letter, in which he chronicled the major world empires of history, dating the time of their rise and fall. Here is what his calculations look like:

Assyria (859-612 B.C.): a 247-year reign.

Persia (538-330 B.C.): a 208-year reign.

Greece (331-100 B.C.): a 231-year reign.

The Roman Republic (260-27 B.C.): a 233-year reign.

The Roman Empire (27 B.C.-180 A.D.): a 207-year reign.

The Arab Empire (634-880 A.D.): a 246-year reign.

The Mameluke Empire (1250-1517 A.D.): a 267-year reign.

The Ottoman Empire (1320-1570 A.D.): a 250-year reign.

Spain (1500-1750 A.D.): a 250-year reign.

Romanov Russia (1682-1916 A.D.): a 234-year reign.

Great Britain (1700-1950 A.D.): a 250-year reign.

The USA (1790-2009 A.D.): 219 years and counting.

My honorable historian-friend calculates America’s reign using its post-Revolutionary War years. He notes that America’s reign is currently at 219 years. He further notes that the average duration of every world superpower listed above is a little over 238 years.

One does not need to be a master mathematician or possess a Ph.D. to realize that America is fast approaching the mark in which every major world power in history has either collapsed or, at a minimum, lost its world leadership and power.

My friend also reminded me of his homeland’s (South Africa’s) demise. He told me that he noticed the handwriting on the wall in time to relocate his family to a more peaceful and stable European country. Many of his friends and countrymen were not so fortunate, however, and thousands were killed and their properties confiscated. He then warned me, “The period of Grace is closing, in what is your homeland.”

In addition, serious students of Holy Writ are also struck with the similarities between societal conditions in America and those of Old Testament Israel (as well as with Gentile nations) at those times of divine judgment and retribution. As someone trenchantly said, “If God spares the United States, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.”

Will the Russian analyst’s prophecies come true in 2010? Probably not. Does that mean that America is impervious to some sort of national demise? Not at all. Is America already in serious trouble? You bet. Could there be some sort of break-up within the United States in the near future? In my opinion, that is a very realistic probability. If this happens, will freedom suffer? Almost certainly. Will those with tyrannical tendencies use the opportunity of any national disaster to try and enslave us? They already do. I personally do not believe that there is any “If” to the question. The only questions are, “When?” and “To what degree?”

And, of course, there is another question: “When the break-up comes, how many Americans understand the principles of liberty enough, and are personally prepared enough, and are willing enough to resist whatever power it may be that seeks to place us under the thumb of oppression and fight for the same protections and vanguards of liberty that first established this land?” Obviously, the answer to that question is yet to be determined, isn’t it?


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The only thing worse than a fascist pig, is a racist hog. Look at the exceptional reception Obama received during his diplomatic visit to Russia.

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I could never take Russia seriously after their blatant display of racism like that. No matter how much good Obama tries to do for the people of America, it will never be enough for some people. Frankly speaking it's because he's black, why beat around the bush (no pun intended), just get to the point: he is black so therefore nothing he does will ever be good enough. Well just to remind everyone, Obama is really half white, it's not easy for him being a half black guy in the WHITE house. If I were in his shoes I would be under pressure too, but he has really held his own and has not given into the pressure or the racism. Very commendable.

Take note of this date in your calendar, when July 2010 comes and nothing remotely close to this occurs I want you to ask yourself one question: do you feel lucky?

Then tell the infowars guy to go join Blossom Goodchild and purple pixie in their slew of malignant insanity. Perhaps his aim is to be like Nostradamus: keep guessing enough random bullshit till some of them become reality then call himself a false prophet.

In 2009, the only state of the contiguous American states capable of independence is California. Why would any of the other states want to risk becoming an independent 3rd world nation when united they are a 1st world super power?

Oh yea, sincere apologies if anyone is offended, feel free to send me a PM if you believe I was unjust in my sayings here. :P

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You know for YEARS.. two major effecting problems have existed..

1. Lack of resources on our own soil..and the building or actions taken to facilitate the use of these resources..

2. Inflation caused by the demands of resources on/in other countries..

I think a more independent ideal needs to be achieved.. we need to rely on what we can do ourselves.. for ourselves.

I think that .. direction, money and action should be directed and focused on finding ways to utilize our own resources, this will be expensive costs at first but n time they pay for themselves. We could escape the huge inflation and costs that we wind up being at the mercy of.. One things goes wrong and the whole globe eats itself.. Much like our economy... and a financial system of value that CONSTANTLY fails.. BUT OH we have to be able to barter and trade with other countries and have involvement to be key players..

The minute that someone comes to the table with a solution for this ... they would be laughed out of town.. but the truth is that we suffer because of it.. There would be less of an effect if we had our own.. but in this effect you wind up being called on by other countries..and then you wind up being stretched thin.. Just like exporting grains and wheat.. that was back.. what before the USSR was dis-banned..History shows you the key.. But how hard is it for someone to guide people to break the chain, and do something different..I mean you would have to change the people.. the ones out here.. who are not willing to go the extra mile or 1000 miles to initiate change.. Then you have all of the BRAINS talking about how it will fail.. but blind to the fact that it only fails the current financial system, and values.. The USA has always operated within the global market and always been a key player.. but I think that efforts need to be directed at home...We need to gather all of our eggs in one basket and see what we truly have to use on our own..

Sustainable resources and new answers for power, natural resources, goods, services.. the whole market place needs to change and be addressed...The blinding corner we get backed into having to consider all of these other factors would probably mean that very thing...and we will eventually fall.. due to our own ignorance and lack of an ability to reach an accord.. into the hands on the next most powerful government.. extremist rule.. and inevitably.. The American Dream and Freedom will die imprisoned by a system of finance...one easily broken, easily changed.. yet through the ignorance of eight years.. here we are with all of our obligations.. and bigotry.. The American People are angry.. they will be that way until something is seen as a HUGE leap in the right direction... They don't want to be handed a few bucks and a pat on the head and told ts going to be okay.. They want it back... You know its almost like we had a saboteur at the top of the food chain for eight years.. the whole party seems to throw this country into the seat of failure, bankruptcy... crappy economy... and on the verge of being torn apart.. every republican president we have had through the years does the same things each and every time.. almost as though they want to create The Republic of the United States of America.. Not the USA from its beginnings and evolution as a Free nation under democratic rule.. for the people, by the people..

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Woah, I haven't seen that video with Obama before, that's really crazy man... Nah, it's not crazy, it's just sad. It proves to me that Russia is still a couple of hundred years behind.

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Believe it or not, shought.. the wrong idealism which is implanted as children is still being taught today.. Every form of malformed development is out there..

BUT you know that is all I keep seeing going on all over the globe.. nothing but wrong.. and then the wrong thing again.. oops wait something else wrong over in this corner..

Its like everyone is need of a psychologist...To face themselves and the real issues at hand.. but they won't instead they will continue fighting things that will never matter..making issue where there are none...

It would be better to have favorable interactions and communications..I would not waste my time with the whole country and I am afraid that friendship extended professionally and financially should end there.... why would we support it.. and to what purpose would they USE us for nothing more than their gain instead of working toward a common goal..Its horrible for anyone who wants anything better..

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I know a lot about Russia, and this video doesn't surprise me. It's a rather typical reaction. Will the USA fall apart one day? Most likely. But on 2010 July? I highly doubt it.

Btw, is the USA considered an empire? I see a list of empires there and then the USA, which I think doesn't qualify as one at this moment... or?

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Why was this moved to the tavern for? This is breaking news! My God people! A private mercenary team known as "America's Police Force" have infiltrated Hadrin Montana and we are still thinking that Infowars.com is a fake news reporting sight. Wake up for the love of God!

Ban me now because I hate being made a liar! goodbye nsanedown!

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Why was this moved to the tavern for? This is breaking news! My God people! A private mercenary team known as "America's Police Force" have infiltrated Hadrin Montana and we are still thinking that Infowars.com is a fake news reporting sight. Wake up for the love of God!

Ban me now because I hate being made a liar! goodbye nsanedown!

Stop overreacting. This news is far from the "america's police force" taking over the country and from being breaking news. It's not the first time the russians speak out like that, they do that awfully a lot, trust me... and most of the time it's just bull.

It's pure speculation and prediction. It's a professor's opinion for god's sake! This is far from being "breaking news"... it would be if USA did actually form a division of powers.

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Why was this moved to the tavern for? This is breaking news! My God people! A private mercenary team known as "America's Police Force" have infiltrated Hadrin Montana and we are still thinking that Infowars.com is a fake news reporting sight. Wake up for the love of God!

Ban me now because I hate being made a liar! goodbye nsanedown!

No one is going to ban you but you can ban yourself which would help us all. :)

Is the US losing some of its Super Power statistics? Yes

Is other countries rising to be Super Powers? Yes

What the politicians these days are not doing is following what the forefathers of the US have told them to do. They are more concern about their political party, reelection, money, status, etc.

George Washington's warning:

- Against Political Parties

- The Authority of the Constitution, the Threat of Political Factions, and the Danger of Constitutional Amendments Designed to Weaken the Government.

- The Importance of Unity, and The Danger of Sectionalism

- Religion, Morality, and Education

- The Importance of Credit, and the Sparing Use of Government Borrowing


Basically, the US right now has lost the vision of this founding father. To much borrowing on credit, the weakening of laws aim to protect citizen, sectionalism, Education, and government borrowing. The corruption of government and the lack of people following closely of what their representatives are doing is what is really undoing this country. I.E. The Roman Empire for a while had good successful emperors but with weaker emperors the empire begun to fall apart. Why? Because those emperors and representatives were focusing on themselves instead of the greater good of the empire. Thus, infrastructure were not built, people living on luxury that they could not afford, education was not a focus, etc.

So what I'm saying is that if the US was in the ancient times, we would have collapsed and became irrelevant. With the stimulus package, we only prolong this collapsed unless major changes occurs in the fundamental laws of governing in the US. I'm talking about improving the decaying infrastructure which will help the US compete in the global environment, more focus on education (which the US is 16th in the world), lowering debts, less corruptions, improving credit flows, be energy independent, etc. Go back to the basic.

Anyone can read his farewell address on the web

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@heath: Again, don't mind, but it really gets harder to read you whooole post. We like to read your views. I really respect them. But sometimes it gets really hard. So sometimes some points on your post may get unnoticed.

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@Infinite_Vision ... you're very right. Many of the founding figures of the US warned from things which are happening now. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and even John F. Kennedy are the first names which pop into my mind (I know that JFK wasn't one of the founding figures, but he did talk sense and warned people decades ago of what's going to happen now).

What is happening is that people are putting all the glittering and shiny non-important stuff ahead of the true important things. It's like people's minds have been trained to spend mindlessly and to waste its potential. It's a sad picture, but whether we want it or not, you and I are a part of it.

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@DKT27 - I really hope you are not antagonizing me with that.. Infinite_Vision has got a point and it is part of what I am talking about..

For real though the points you may not be able to understand... Probably because of your age and level of education thus far..BUT.. This is neither a stab at your age or your education.. just the place that they are at right now..so don't freak or do anything stupid..Its about Government(s) and another class called Economics..its basic..

I just deleted about a 12 inches of text in four paragraphs.. its why I stated that I should not state what I am thinking..I feel strongly about it..posts regardless of validity .. drive an antagonized state, delirium...fatigue...and the ultimate effect of this whole cesspool of a problem...Fact of the matter is when I do post something nobody responds to it.. you are always there saying you don't get it....someone says its to loooong... I mean my point was that I got about 75% through what was posted here and just stated a few simplistic facts as I see them.. blatantly in front of my face..Plain as day.. This isn't some Global Egghead.. nor a world leader... and being driven to a state of insanity because you are less informed should be a crime... Thats a reverse tactic of someone that would ultimately state as the person driving the effect or what continues..another threat..it drives less informed father and farther way from the reality.

But anyway I am done.. I have all but stopped posting in here anyway...

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Why was this moved to the tavern for? This is breaking news! My God people! A private mercenary team known as "America's Police Force" have infiltrated Hadrin Montana and we are still thinking that Infowars.com is a fake news reporting sight. Wake up for the love of God!

Ban me now because I hate being made a liar! goodbye nsanedown!

Stop overreacting. This news is far from the "america's police force" taking over the country and from being breaking news. It's not the first time the russians speak out like that, they do that awfully a lot, trust me... and most of the time it's just bull.

It's pure speculation and prediction. It's a professor's opinion for god's sake! This is far from being "breaking news"... it would be if USA did actually form a division of powers.

Not only that is the guy even a real professor..or some one who just got his credentials from an on line web site...come on Ambrocious ...look at this stuff you pass off as news and real and measure it the same way you look at the news from the sources you do not trust check sources...really check sources and you will see that 99% of this stuff is just plain crap.You keep spouting off about the evils of our police here in the free world...you talk like that in most other countries and you will truly disappear . Don't be so gullible I will no loner reply to your posts as you are far to out in space to bring back to reality. good bye and good luck( or may be i am part of the new world order and i am just her to discredit you)

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I know a lot about Russia, and this video doesn't surprise me. It's a rather typical reaction. Will the USA fall apart one day? Most likely. But on 2010 July? I highly doubt it.

Btw, is the USA considered an empire? I see a list of empires there and then the USA, which I think doesn't qualify as one at this moment... or?

USA is considered an empire yes. An economic empire who invent money out of thin air. When the government needs money they they call the federal reserve to LOAN money. How can you be on the right track when you owe all your money to a federal reserve bank (the only thing that is federal is the name) wich you have to pay back WITH INTEREST!. Who own the federal reserves? private bankers who didnt have 8 years terms, who dont have to report to anyone.

This model is being EXPORTED and thus we call it GLOBALIZATION

Debt, Inflation and interest enslave the population and keep them in line. Why you all working so hard? to pay your debt, interest and fight the inflation.

The people are fundamentaly good but they get disinformed.

Past empires rules in the open with wars and influences with stupid reasons like spreading civilisation or religions (chinese, arabs, mongols, greeks, roman, english etc). Every of their citizen were informed of that.

War is one of the best way to makes money. Current war against this so called "terrorism" an "unknown" enemy will never ends since its not met to be ended.

Meanwhile, hundreds of thousand of your good citizens are dying from health problem and couldve been saved with proper health care system wich have a TINY FRACTION of the money invest to fight terrorism who killed thousands. And im not counting young brave american soldiers who may have entered the army because of poverty at the first place.

But reconstruction and debt makes profit.

Unfortunatly most of US citizens are misinformed on what ther banks and corporations do to make profit and keep this way of life. This profit to a selected few and thus its a hidden war, an hidden empire.

I wish the best for you, my neighboors. In fact i wish the best for everyone.

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I think the US is way too big to collapse now or the next couple of years or so. Like a good ol tree.. its roots has already spread wide open. America will eventually find a common basic ground. Just not now. Time will tell. We'll see. ;)

A Break up or an Expansion whatever it is that is going to happen soon, i'm pretty sure is for the greater good of its citizen et al


"The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you the dawn is coming." - Harvey Dent from The Dark Knight (2008)

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Empires collapse from within. Either from allowing another Empire to take them over by force OR because the people in power mistreat the rest of the people so badly and so widespread the people rise up and retake control. Most of the time this just replaces one brutal set of powerful institutions with another set of powerful people that abuse the people even more. (Stalin and Mao). Stalin killed more of his own people than Hitler.... Mao starved 60 to 70 million of his people people to death during his "Great leap Forward". if you do not believe me Google "Stalin's purges", and the "great march forward" Both of these countries have EXTREMELY repressive police forces who's sole purpose is not to police but to repress individual freedom. Don't believe me.... send your info wars film crews to those countries and countries like Iran and North Korea and see how far they get in filming anything or better yet go there yourself and get it first hand. Basically all i am saying is for you travel the world. Take a good look at how the "people" live there and then take a good look at how you live where you come from. You are blessed people if you live in the USA, Canada France, Western Europe, Australia, and any other country in the so called free world. If you don't like it here, move to another country that you think is better or better yet get politically involved and use your energy to change the world in a positive way... but not with the flakes of world, they are just trying to take your money by feeding off fears...and yes there are flakes on both the far left and far right. Look to the less flakey people in the middle somewhere and remember to ALWAYS hold them accountable for their actions on your behalf when you elect them

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Woah, I haven't seen that video with Obama before, that's really crazy man... Nah, it's not crazy, it's just sad. It proves to me that Russia is still a couple of hundred years behind.

this goes back to russians under the ussr that hated that black africans elilests where given free stuff and eduaction in ussr over themselves.

but yes its surprising that no media in the usa showing that clip and talking about it

i do believe its texas is the only state that can legally leave the union without a fight

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Woah, I haven't seen that video with Obama before, that's really crazy man... Nah, it's not crazy, it's just sad. It proves to me that Russia is still a couple of hundred years behind.

this goes back to russians under the ussr that hated that black africans elilests where given free stuff and eduaction in ussr over themselves.

but yes its surprising that no media in the usa showing that clip and talking about it

i do believe its texas is the only state that can legally leave the union without a fight

Why do you find it surprising that no main stream media has taken this and run with it. The whole western world is not wishing to offend Russia at this time as they are no longer the so called evil empire any longer. Just as the west pretty much refuses to talk to China about their human rights abuses...not wishing to take the chance that China will refuse to spend their vast wealth in an any country that steps out of line with them. Recently the Dali lama came to Canada and our leaders refused to meet with him as the Chinese government told the Canadian government there would be political consequences if "Canada officially welcomed a terrorist" to our country...that's right the Dali lama id officially a terrorist in China

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Woah, I haven't seen that video with Obama before, that's really crazy man... Nah, it's not crazy, it's just sad. It proves to me that Russia is still a couple of hundred years behind.

this goes back to russians under the ussr that hated that black africans elilests where given free stuff and eduaction in ussr over themselves.

but yes its surprising that no media in the usa showing that clip and talking about it

i do believe its texas is the only state that can legally leave the union without a fight

No offense guys but what you are watching was Obama introducing the US delegation to Medvedev.

Look closely again.

There has been a lot of debate on this, google it.

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See.. that was my second thought.. the vid is all grainy an you couldn't tel if he was talking or not.. and it looked that way .. I guess that it is best to pay attention and find the sources on your own.. and well.. make a decision for yourself... Never letting people sway you..


That would clear it up.. NOW.. I think we have really thrown this thread in the shredder..LOL

Still the fact remains though .. there are still people like that out there.. I'll take my own life before I become one of them.. :thumbsup:

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