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Mbytes blocks malicious i.p. but how to know which i.p. corresponds to which site ?


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hey techies ,

i hv been using malwarebytes for around a month now .

n it seems to be a good protection .

it did pick up some malwares on my pc and more imp.

as u are surfing the web , a little balloon pops up " connection to a malicious i.p. xyz has been safely blocked ".

what i wanted to know is that ,

is there a way by which we can know ," which i.p. address corresponds to which malicious website? " , considering the number of tabs n pages that are opened at any one moment , simultaneously .

and any log that it generates of the blocked addresses ?

thanks ..

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MBAM's IP Protection is nothin but a useless feature that troubles more than helpin. Just disable it on every reboot or do the registry edit mentioned by mara-. You may like to have a look on this thread -

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it's the IP of the site you are now loading! .you can google the ip if you are not sure.look for it on online address registries.

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thanks dkt27,

i think i ll try changing the registry , when mbytes start troubling .

as of now , its goin fine .

i made a note of instructions ..


yes i also did think , it is the one m now loading , but with torrents running n surfing along side , it becomes a pain to figure out . not to forget the other downloads alongside .

well anw thanks ..

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  • Administrator

NP. Well if you wanna go with registry edit, thank mara- first. ;)

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Oh, you can check the MBAM log file for a list of the IP's it blocks. I got fed up, all the IP's mine blocked were false positives so I disabled MBAM completely. Maybe you should consider trying out Microsoft Security Essentials as a substitute for MBAM.

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or get ESET or Noton,and keep MBAM as a on demand scanner.

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Oh, you can check the MBAM log file for a list of the IP's it blocks. I got fed up, all the IP's mine blocked were false positives so I disabled MBAM completely. Maybe you should consider trying out Microsoft Security Essentials as a substitute for MBAM.

or get ESET or Noton,and keep MBAM as a on demand scanner.

allrght ,


i too think , it reports a bit of false positive results . coz sometimes , normal sites i hv been usin , start givin time out error n fail to load .

will try making the registry changes ( as put down by mara ).


i m usin eset av 4.0.467 with ad aware anniversary edition and windows firewall .

mbytes entered my good books , when it did found some malwares in my pc when other scanners reported all clean !

just now i also installed trojan remover .

so , is the microsoft security essentials good enough , i mean as good as eset ?? :unsure:

and if we do install it , would nt it conflict with other malwares ? eset and ad aware or any other , for that reason ???

what do you recommend ?

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bout microsoft security essentials,wait and c.

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  • Administrator

Well I recommend to stick to MBAM but it doesn't have a good live protection. But a great scanner. So ... I hate to stay this but use trojan remover and MBAM only for scans. ;)

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