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With Yandex browser Your laptop will work longer


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With Yandex browser Your laptop will work longer


The battery is always discharged inappropriately. Only enjoy the movie or find an interesting article — have to look for an outlet or turn off the notebook. Now it will happen less frequently if You use Yandex browser which has received a power-saving mode. We tested energy saving and compared it with normal mode Yandex browser, and other browsers (Edge, Chrome, Opera and Firefox). For this purpose we used a Dell Latitude 6330 with the operating system Windows 10. A special program simulated the operation of the Internet: open and scrolling, switching tabs. Our results:




iXBT.com repeated this test using Asus ZenBook Flip S UX370UA and got the same result: New Yandex browser is the most energy-efficient browser on the market of the popular browsers.




In the power saving mode Yandex browser:
- reduces the activity of the background tabs;
- always use the graphics card for video playback;
- reduces the frequency of rendering the page;
- disable animation in the interface elements browser, if she spends a lot of CPU resources;
- disables the background animation on the new tab;
- performs other functions to optimize power consumption.


Energy saving works in the current version of Yandex browser ( Energy saving starts automatically when you disconnect the laptop from the power source, but you can change this in the settings.


Saving energy does not affect the level of comfort when browsing the Internet.





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