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Change to ShareCode Generator


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Would be fine if the ShareCode Generator could get a little change. If you open it in the URL  http://www.nsaneforums.com/sharecode/sharecode.html is inserted and you first have to remove it before you can insert your link to sharecode it. That filed should be empty ore should be already highlighted that you can paste the link direct 



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Now all depends on when one of them will put into use.

Seem like nobody needs nothing, I'll delete these examples.

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Don't you mean 


Simply to say, you must add in the first case:

onclick="this.value = ''; ('')
onmouseover="this.value = '';
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The forum software (IPB) uses CKEditor for the comment fields:






Perhaps nsane had a sharecode addon that only works in previous CKEditor versions ?

Then IPB would ship an update with a newer CKEditor (5 ?) and the addon no longer works.


If someone knows how to make CKEditor addons, I think they could rewrite that plugin to work with the newest version.

But even if one knows how to rewrite it, they would need to know how to make IPB load it.



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The idea is not bad, but as you know, the nsaneforum is still using IPS Community Suite version 4.2.6 and in all versions that are running CKEditor 4.7.3
All versions before IPS Community Suite 4.3.0 4.3.0 uses this. 
IPS Community Suite 4.3.0 has already CKEditor 4.9 and is also the in most recent version of IPS Community Suite 4.3.3.
So there is no problem with that. And even if there is a newer version in use, these small changes isn't problem.

PS I made in this version some more changes, soon you can try.
There is now automatically url area cleaning plus also automatic copying with one click.


Seem like nobody needs nothing, I'll delete these examples.

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It's nice, if it works, can be put into use. But your picture is not from this version.

It's much more comfortable to use than this one, what was before.

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7 hours ago, Kalju said:

It is available for testing here or here.

Can you load it to a site where we can run it online (i.e. Not testing), please. Thanks.

Tried the testing site and found it easy to use.

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13 minutes ago, vitorio said:

Can you load it to a site where we can run it online (i.e. Not testing), please. Thanks.

Tried the testing site and found it easy to use.


open your eyes = there online and can be used




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20 minutes ago, vitorio said:

Bookmarked. Great. Now is easy to use for me. Thanks.

thats how I use it (opening in a new tab) that works on my notebook better that scrolling every time up to the "normal button"

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13 hours ago, Togijak said:

du2ls4sgdltffloa2.jpg   <. with Firefox

Site: https://www.datafilehost.com                                             <- looks OK for me (no space added)
Sharecode: /d/056f8585


The space exists if you paste to Windows Notepad




It would be great if Kalju can do Browse×r Detection to eliminate The Firefox and
IE bug prior to copy the sharecode to Clipboard.


For example, the URL is :




The output for browsers excluding Firefox and IE is :


Site: https://webconsultations.opz1.com
Sharecode: /sharecode/sharecode.html


Perfect, no extra spaces and missing "/" character.


I don't know whether it is possible or not.
If it is possible here is an example of Javascript code.

function BrowserDetection() {
    //Check if browser is Firefox
    if (navigator.userAgent.search("Firefox") & gt; = 0) {
        // insert conditional Firefox Code here
    // the output for Firefox is :
    //  Site: https://webconsultations.opz1.com
    // Sharecode: /sharecode/sharecode.html
    // the code woulde be ...
    // goto first string and delete space
    // goto the end of second string and delete space
    //Check if browser is IE
    else if (navigator.userAgent.search("MSIE") & gt; = 0) {
        // insert conditional IE code here
    // the output for IE is :
    // Site: https://webconsultations.opz1.com
    // Sharecode: sharecode/sharecode.html
    // the code woulde be ...
    // goto second string
    // goto "Sharecode: "
    // insert "/"
    // goto the end of second string and delete space

Now the output would be identical to Chrome browser.


Javascript Source


Anyway if the code is too lengthy the current updated version is more than sufficient.

Only slight editing is required. :D



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8 minutes ago, percuma88 said:

The space exists if you paste to Windows Notepad


dkheo7wk54pn14acn.gif I don't ned sharecode in NotePad (which I never use) and if I paste it in notepad++ there is no space


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I did another one. It works a bit differently, and if you like, we can start using it.
This will show the code as a plain text in the same textbox where you place your URL.
You can copy to the clipboard, as usual, or using the copy button (a small image below the text box, but it copies the whole entire contents of the text box, so You must delete default URL after is copied.)

it is here for testing.

(The samples are now deleted because nobody needed them.)


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20 hours ago, I4rg£8all8ag said:

Please Note: the URL below is showing as malicious in Norton Mobile Security v4.2.0.4130 (sure its OK just a FP) 

I hear for the first time. Server, https://my.owlinternet.com/index.php

Valid Comodo Certificate, Certificate autoupdate.
I have there only IPS Community Suite 4.3.3  for testing purposes, this sharecode generator examples and one encrypted content generator. That's all.

Homepage: https://owlinternet.com/

PS! For anyone who is afraid of getting AIDS, do not ever visit this page.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I made completely new sharecode generator, even the principle is another.
It works on all most used web browsers without any problems. I added also copy to clipboard button and "reset all values" function. Or simply emptie the textarea.
mini version on my account page - http://www.nsaneforums.com/profile/45378-kalju/?tab=field_core_pfield_15

Site: http://www.nsaneforums.com
Sharecode: /profile/45378-kalju/?tab=field_core_pfield_15

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