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Even British are infected! Men Who Believe the Earth Is Flat


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most likely there have been people here in the past that held this to be true...they believed every other lame conspiracy to be true...  so why not this..they thankfully no longer grace us with their presence

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they thankfully no longer grace us with their presence


We are still walking on earth .


I Never saw a picture from all sides of the world .they didn't even try to fake it .

why shouldn't i believe it is flat .


I believe it looks like 20 or 30% ( the top ) of a circle .


you probably also believe that they have been on the moon . and that canada us or europe are bigger than africa like in the drawings .



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we stand corrected...about them no longer being here...yea..and GREENLAND really is that big too... look up map distortions and why maps look that way...but go to a scientific site or better yet ask a cartographer  and not a person who resides in a rubber room and has to write with large wax crayons


big hint...maps look  the way they do all distorted for various reasons..one of them being simplicity but apparently not simple enough for simpltons who refuse to see reality


time for this one to be shut down before someone:fight: gets hurt:lol:

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don't you want to have something that proves what we can think , I do .


And why are there no plane flights from america to asia without flying over austaralia or the atlantic ocean  or africa , the other way should be shorter if the earth is round .

It is because ??? maybe it's not round after all .


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25 minutes ago, vertical said:

don't you want to have something that proves what we can think , I do .


And why are there no plane flights from america to asia without flying over austaralia or the atlantic ocean  or africa , the other way should be shorter if the earth is round .

It is because ??? maybe it's not round afterall .

I'm sure your mother has something to do with it... Ask her first.

Oh... the Bible has info regarding this topic (i think)... read that too if your mother isn't helping regarding this topic.

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yeah she invented gravity .

as you can see , every one can talk bullshit .


you are no italian .Italians don't talk like this  just  like that  . this talk is to low for me .

have a nice day .

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I defenitely am going to explore this .


I like other people's opinion and science , so i can have my own vision out of it ..


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jeees guys..this was in    -jokes-and -funny- stuff -.   ..chill.... funny stuff for reasons for reasons...the same reasons you think the world is flat:lol: ..cause...wait for it.... wait.....  it's a joke

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9 hours ago, vertical said:



We are still walking on earth .


I Never saw a picture from all sides of the world .they didn't even try to fake it .

why shouldn't i believe it is flat .


I believe it looks like 20 or 30% ( the top ) of a circle .


you probably also believe that they have been on the moon . and that canada us or europe are bigger than africa like in the drawings .



Oh my god...


Centuries of science are most likely more reasonable and reliable than your belief. Did you know that earth revolves around the sun which itself revolves around the center of the milky way ?

Are you just trolling or are you also believing in unbelievable although demonstrated many times ?

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I am trying to find what to think .


And since i can't believe half of the scientists and 99% of the media , it is not easy .


maybe i should think that the sun is going around the earth .


and i didn't see that this is a funny things topic when i commented .


lets do this another time in another topic .


by the way , you don't have pictures of all sides of the world neither ,and

no one has them .

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1 minute ago, vertical said:

I am trying to find what to think .


And since i can't believe half of the scientists and 99% of the media , it is not easy .


maybe i should think that the sun is going around the earth .


and i didn't see that this is a funny things topic when i commented .


lets do this another time in another topic .

as i said ...legitimate sites not conspiracy lunatics  or crackpots... go talk to A GRADE 5 SCIENCE TEACHER TO GET YOU ON THE RIGHT TRACK  on this too the truth is out there but not if you continue go to nut cases for your initial information...also as i said go to scince lab at any university and ask then to explain this in simple language..it is easy to see then what is true and what is shite...but really...most people who beleive the comspiracies ans downright stupid stuff ONLY look at stuff that proves their hairbrained beleifs becasue that is waht they want to see...none so blind as those who refuse to see

18 hours ago, dogbertx said:


Round them all up and shoot them into space

nope...ya can't shoot them into space...getting int space is a hoax too...all done on and in a sound stage in  SIBERIA  ....is the current believed theory

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some people are trying to corrupt everything .the earth , the water the air the people , the science and the scientist ,

the food , the dna .


setting up people for wars , and you talk about theorie , i talk about fact .


do you want to call most of all people crackpots ??? they believe in the same god .

and do you want to call a big percentage of the remaining  people lunatics because they believe in real evidence .

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earth is flat. 


i have a question for ya:

the ISS moves at a constant speed of 7.66 km/s, it has too in order to stay in orbit. 


if that is the case, how are astronauts able to work outside the ISS or even do space walk without getting drag or left behind? 

In their live stream or videos of them doing space walks or fixing things outside the space station, they all appear stationary. 



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The science says , there was a big bang as a begin of things .

than it causes the universe  to expand .

everything is moving now and there is no wind .

the astronauts are not part of this momentum .


that means , they should be able to photograph the world from all sides .

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again ...go talk to grade 5 science teacher for this answer...also if the earth was flat and the space station travels at that speed... it goes past the flat earth in a matter of  seconds and off into deep space would it not.or do you also subscribe to the conspiracy of space travel being done on that sound stage in Siberia as the same flat-earthers have proof of that happening too.....again go talk to a grade 5 science teacher and open your mind to the real truth..not the bullshite out there

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open your mind to the real truth..not the bullshite out there



I'm trying .

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giant plates


one thing the scientists know .

they are totally different from earth .


can somebody make a joke .




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Do flater earthers sail across the sea?

How do satellites work?

Can you fall off?

Whats on the other side?

Why doesn't water  fall off.

Do the believe in GLOBAL warming.?

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